Quit waiting for a magic date

Written by CPhillips

November 27, 2018

Are you waiting for Monday? Or maybe January 1st.

Are you guilty? I have been.

There’s no magic day to make a change. You’ve got to add action to that desire.

It’s easy to put off change. We want the quick. Change can be painful. New workouts make you sore. Taking a new course in life can cause you to make choices with emotional consequences. However, without that action, you can bet you’ll remain exactly where you are today.

In my book, When In Doubt, Delete It!, I share several ways you can quit waiting and move closer to living your dream. I call these Life Edits.

One simple step begins by writing it down. Maybe more than once. Stick it to your refrigerator. Write it on your mirror. Put a card in your wallet. Put it in a frame by your bed. There’s something about committing the words to paper that feels like a contract or promise to yourself.

When you see it over and over throughout your day, you’re more likely to think about it as you make decisions. This will keep you focused and moving down the right path.

Don’t waste the next 30 days waiting for the right day to begin your journey.

We’re only given one life, quit waiting for the perfect day to start living the one you dream of.

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