Hate Your Job? Consider These 3 Things Before Quitting!

Written by chellie

May 24, 2021

Note: In honor of International Coaching Week (May 17–23, 2021.), which is all about showcasing the value of working with a professional coach and how that relationship helps you see real results and progress, I’m sharing a special training with you. It’s called Reach Your Career Peak. For 10 days, I’ll be sharing tips and tactics designed to help you reach the top of your career field. I’m also giving away a FREE e-book and workbook if you want to work along with me. If you have any questions, feel free to drop them in the comments here or on social media where I’m posting a series of video trainings as well. 

It’s day 6 of our Reach Your Career Peak training. Today, we’re tackling the subject of what to do if you hate your job. Quitting might not necessarily the best thing you can do right now. Unless your job is unsafe, or you are being asked to do unethical things, you’re much better staying in your current position while you decide on your best course of action. Plus, it’s much easier to get hired somewhere if they see you are currently employed.

Here are three things to think about before you hand in your notice

What’s most important to you?

If you’re unhappy in your job, it can be difficult to focus on anything else. But it’s worth taking a step back to see what it is that is making you unhappy. And to do this, it can be helpful to assess what motivates you at work. What salary suits your needs and aspirations? Do you want to be a highflyer, or do you want a better work/life balance so there’s time for your family or interests?

If you’re committed to social justice, then working for a big multinational company might not be a good fit for you.

Make a plan

Set yourself up for the job you want. It’s almost a cliché, but you are better off not dropping your current work until you have another position lined up. But make sure it’s the right one. If you have your mind set on leaving the job you’re miserable in, look at the life goals and values you outlined in step 1. Think about what sort of work would be a better fit. Then plan to get there.

Treat it like a work project, do your research and set some milestones. If you want to retrain for a different industry, set the wheels in motion to get the skills or qualifications you need to make the jump. Be ready to take the opportunities when they come.

Get some good advice

Whether you decide to stay or go, having a mentor or a coach will help you in your career and your professional development. Find someone whose judgment you trust, who understands your industry and who can help you make some long-term decisions. More experienced colleagues and peers can also be a good source for feedback.

Remember to be realistic. If you’ve just started in a new job and you hate it after the first week, do some analysis. How much can you attribute your feelings to the normal transition of being in a new environment and not feeling comfortable yet? Cut yourself some slack and give it time. If you still hate it a couple of months, then reassess and move on. Stay tuned tomorrow, we’ll be talking more about what to do if you hate your current job.

Your Reach the Peak action for today

Along with the questions above, think about your current connections. If you are considering a career change, who do you need to contact that can help you firm up a plan of action?

If you think it might be time for a career change, the Career Accelerator has everything you need to successfully plan for that transition. Inside you have access to…

  • A Job-Skill Assessment designed to help you clarify what career areas you might want to consider and skills you may have been overlooking.
  • A Career Assessment to help you create a realistic picture of what you love about your current career, identify what’s missing and plan for that future move.
  • Our guide to Changing Careers After 40. Let’s face it. Age-discrimination is real but there are things you can do to keep it from hindering your job search.
  • The Top 10 Tactics for Dealing with a Boss That Dislikes You so you don’t turn into a basket case before your find your next career step.  
  • Secret ways you can run an incognito job search, so your co-workers and supervisors don’t know you’re planning to leave.

Now, imagine accessing all of those tactics and strategies for only$1!

That’s right, for only $1 you get unrestricted access to everything inside the Career Accelerator. What do you have to lose? Give the Career Accelerator a try today and see how to successfully navigate today’s competitive workplace.

There’s still a couple more days for you to get your FREE copy of my E-book, The Peak: Reaching the Top of Your Field E-book and Workbook you can use as we go through this training. Just fill out the form below and it’ll arrive in your in box. 

Want more?

Join my private Successfully Ever After Facebook Group for trainings and information designed for success-seekers.

Check out my audio books: Get Noticed, Get Hired or When In Doubt, Delete It!

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and watch quick tips to help your job search or make yourself promotable.

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