You Need To Be The Brand

Written by chellie

October 4, 2021

Whether you’re building a business as an entrepreneur or your designing the perfect career path, your personal brand matters.

I just finished reading Be The Brand by Mike Kim. I wish I’d bought the paperback now because my journal is filled with notes and I’ve noted pages and graphics I will be referring back to in the future – which is harder to do on the electronic version. While his book is geared toward entrepreneurs building their business, so much of what he shared can be tweaked and used for career building too.

One of the first steps he talks about is getting clear on who your client will be. The same thing is true in a professional career search. That clarity allows you to focus on the specific skills and needs inside an industry so you can create a compelling message. For an entrepreneur, that message may be their offer. But for you, it creating compelling cover letters and resumes that get you noticed.

He shares a lot on the importance of building relationships and connections and the value of building trust. That comes through the stories you share and the testimonials you receive. For the career minded, it’s about your network. Both externally, and in the relationships you create with your supervisors and co-workers. It’s in how you show up everyday and in how you pay it forward.

Mike shares my same belief in the value of creating compelling online profiles. It’s vital for the entrepreneur to become real and authentic to their potential clients. Job seekers need to do the same. You need to show your value and how the talents and skills you bring to the table are ones an employer can’t pass up. Creating that irresistible image will get you noticed and get you hired.

Just like the resources we share at Successfully Ever After, Mike’s Be The Brand book has tools you can use right now. When I was reading through his sales script, it struck me how easily you could turn that into a pitch to an employer if you were interested in a position at their company. (If you’re an entrepreneur and want his sales call script, it’s actually in the book for you to pattern yours after – yes he actually gives it to you.)

Take a look at what I mean:

  1. When you get the opportunity to talk with a hiring manager or person with hiring authority, have a clear picture as to what you are interested in and what you’ll share.
  2. Know why you want to work there.
  3. What is a challenge you know you can help address (either with the particular company or in the industry)?
  4. How have you solved these types of problems in the past?
  5. Why you are interested in changing positions? Remember, no bad mouthing your previous employer.
  6. Be prepared to show how you can help.

One last piece I felt tied in with my career advice is on creating an irresistible opening line. While Mike shares tips that will get your email marketing opened and not sent to the deleted folder immediately, I think you can apply the same techniques when writing your cover letters, in interview settings and in your follow-up emails. If you have an interest in creating a strong personal brand – for business or career- Mike’s Be The Brand is on my must read list for you.

If you want more secrets to building a successful career brand, you can:

Join one of my courses  and fast track your career.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and watch quick tips to help your job search or make yourself promotable.

Join my private Successfully Ever After Facebook Group for trainings and information designed for success-seekers.

Check out my audio books: Get Noticed, Get Hired or When In Doubt, Delete It!

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