Today, I’m continuing my series on journaling for professional growth. If you missed the previous posts, here’s a link to help you catch up.
Journaling is a powerful self-help tool that is very popular. You can purchase a variety of journals online from stores such as Amazon as well as in bookshops. Coaches and therapists also use journaling to help clients. It is also incredibly easy to journal on your own in just a plain notebook. However, all journaling has one thing in common and that is writing.
In fact, here’s my FREE Professional Growth Journal you can download to get started today,

So how can you journal if you hate writing?
Draw Pictures
From simple to elaborate, any kind of picture that expresses your emotions and situation will help. After you’ve drawn the picture you can label and annotate it. If you leave a blank page opposite your drawing then you can come back and review it at a later date and jot down any additional thoughts, emotions and responses. Quite often this simple method will actually get you writing quickly.
Why not try using different types of pen or pencil to make your journaling more interesting and exciting?
If you are journaling about a problem, then you might consider using a diagram such as a mind map or decision tree. Diagrams are powerful because they are visual and help you to see patterns and connections more easily. If you are trying to make a decision, then you can illustrate the different outcomes and results to help you formulate the best decision. Adding in color not only makes them more attractive but can highlight connections.
Use Prompts
Using a simple prompt such as a word or question can help break the blank page syndrome and inspire you to unburden yourself onto the empty page in front of you. It’s important that you don’t feel that you have to write a lot or even in full sentences. The journal and act of journaling has to relate to your needs at that moment in time and this will vary day to day.
Create a Collage
Get some magazines or newspapers and cut out words, phrases, paragraphs or even articles that relate to your situation or emotions at that particular point. Add in pictures that you find that could demonstrate how you are feeling or want to feel. Again you can annotate it to make it truly personal. Leave a blank page so that you can revisit and review at a later time and add in additional journaling.
Speak It
While writing using a pen and paper is probably the most powerful method of journaling you can also use dictation. This is simple to get started. Just use the voice note or memo feature on your smartphone. It may be easier to start your journaling journey by speaking to the phone and imagining you are talking to a friend or just yourself. You can use software will ‘write’ what you say and you can save the document so that you can review it later if you want to.
You may decide to keep your journal electronically in which case you can review it and add in later thoughts and feelings by typing it out. Or you may decide to print it out and keep it in a binder. If you do print it out, then you have the opportunity to embellish it or make additional notes on the hard copy.
Be Flexible
Journaling does not have to be undertaken every day for a set period of time if that does not suit you. Many people journal every day for about 20 minutes. However, it may be that once a week is enough. You can even try making it a part of your morning routine.
Alternatively, you may decide that you will journal when you feel you need it. Some days it may be that you choose to use a prompt or picture to kick-start your writing. Other days you may find that the words flow and you can write without stopping.
The important points to remember are that the journal is a personal document designed to help you and that it is designed to be used and revised. It’s a living document and there is no right or wrong way to create or use it.
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