Build a Powerful Personal Career Brand

Does your personal career brand highlight why you are the best person for the job? Does it showcase your skills, talents and resources so a hiring manager, recruiter, or supervisor recognizes the benefits you bring an organization? If not, it’s time to start building one that does. Whether you’re intentional about building a brand or not – you have one. Let today be the day you take charge of it and start building one designed with career success in mind.

Course Contents

Welcome Aboard!

Welcome Aboard!

Your personal career brand is more than just a trendy buzzword. It's one of your most valuable assets. It is the representation of how you want to...

Lesson 2: WHAT’s Your Current Brand?

Lesson 2: WHAT’s Your Current Brand?

Let's recap.... According to Wikipedia, a brand is the "name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's product and...

Lesson 3: HOW to Build Your Brand

Lesson 3: HOW to Build Your Brand

Before you begin building a brand, do some self-reflection and determine exactly what it is you want to portray. Remember, your brand...

So What’s Next?

So What’s Next?

You've learned the basics. Are you ready to stand out in a sea of competition? A personal brand audit is just the first step of creating a brand...