by chellie | Nov 23, 2022 | Career, Career Branding, personal branding
You’ve been strengthening your personal career brand. You’ve been tackling new skills and working on projects your supervisor offers. Now, you’ve been offered a new career opportunity. What do you do? Whatever your career path, you’ll probably run...
by chellie | Aug 17, 2022 | Career, Communications, presentations, Uncategorized
If you think it’s more difficult to lead a meeting when it’s conducted online, you have plenty of company. Nine out of ten meeting organizers say virtual events are more challenging, according to a recent poll by the software company Slido. Picture your own...
by chellie | Aug 10, 2022 | Career, personal growth, Productivity, time management
Procrastination is one of the biggest traps that adults can fall into. Inevitably there are projects at home or tasks at work that we just don’t want to do. They’re boring, difficult, or just seemingly unimportant. Even as kids we had moments of procrastination, after...
by chellie | Aug 3, 2022 | Career
Let’s have a little fun today. If you know me, you know I have two very spoiled, very adorable furry pups that I love dearly – Izzy and Roxie. You never know what they will get into. We all know you can learn a lot from watching dogs. If you want to be...
by chellie | Jul 20, 2022 | Career, Career Branding
Having a rewarding career depends upon pursuing your own vision of professional success. Otherwise, you’re likely to spend your days trying to live up to the expectations of others or mindlessly drifting from one job to the next. Of course, success itself means...
by chellie | Jul 6, 2022 | Career, personal branding, personal growth, success
At some point in your career, your employer is probably going to ask you to write a self-assessment. It’s a routine part of the annual evaluation process at many companies. Consider the benefits of this important tool and master the strategies for evaluating yourself...