4 Ways to Get Noticed at Work

Written by chellie

May 19, 2020

Young boy looking in binoculars

You landed a great entry level position and you’ve been working hard. You’ve received several solid, positive reviews. You feel like you are headed in the right direction. How can you make sure your supervisor notices your performance, so the next promotion can be yours?

tell them you want it

Just like the lyrics from the Spice Girl song Wannabe, “I’ll tell you what I want, what I really, really want,” you’ve got to be vocal. Your manager isn’t a mind reader. Make sure each time you have a review, whether that’s mid-year or annual, you are expressing interest in furthering your career. Point out how you are preparing for the next level and make sure your manager is aware of your accomplishments to date. Most people never tell their manager they want to be promoted. Whether it’s fear or just uncertainty, don’t let it stop you from having the conversation. Plant the seed early and use your time effectively to prove you are worthy.

Do more

Don’t just follow your job description. Jump in and use the opportunities you see to learn more and develop your skills. If your job description says “support” something, occasionally ask if you can take the lead. Make the team function better. Make your managers life easier. Showing initiative is a good thing. However, don’t be afraid if you bite off more than you were ready for to speak up early on and ask for help. You don’t wan to be the reason a project fails. A manager will respect you more for realizing you needed help than if you allow the project and team to fail.

Don’t do drama

One way you can show you are ready for promotion, is not getting caught up in office gossip, politics and other things that could be detrimental to your career. No one want to promote someone who keeps things stirred up or spreads negativity. Look for people who are succeeding and at the level you want to be. Find a mentor in this group. Ask them to help prepare you for the next level of your career.

Be authentic

It doesn’t help if you pretend to be something you are not. Don’t fake a personality or interest just to impress your manager. Be true to you and your beliefs. People will admire you more for holding to your beliefs and values than changing on a whim to suit a situation. Being a leader requires you to look for solutions other might not see. Don’t be afraid to share ideas and opinions in a respectful way. Show you have the company and team at heart.

Here’s a checklist of 10 steps to move your career forward. No matter what stage of your career you are in, check out the resources available at chelliephillips.com

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