Managing Time to Achieve Success

Did you know learning to manage your time can lead to more success?

Living in our fast-paced, never-stopping world can be overwhelming. Your job is busier than ever, your kids are involved in several after-school activities, and you’re busy keeping up with everything else around the house. Yet, you long to do other things that require a time commitment. Will you ever be able to juggle everything and still do the things you enjoy?

Institute these changes today so you can achieve the success you crave:

  1. Obtain a calendar and use it. If you’re trying to juggle too many things, it’s imperative that you have a calendar. A calendar will help you schedule events, keep track of where you need to be, and figure out how much time is left over. I’m old school. I still love my paper planner, however, it’s not the most convenient to carry around. So consider getting a smaller pocket size calendar if you like paper too. Alternatively, use the scheduling program in your smartphone. Use your calendar as a way to keep track of all the important events in your life. I also use it at the end of each year as a way to look back over all the things I’ve accomplished. I make notes of things that happen in both my personal and professional life throughout the year.
  2. Write everything down. You can be more realistic about what you can accomplish when you write down everything you have to do. This will help keep you focused and on-task. You deserve to have a restful mind. Avoid having chaos in your head by keeping a written record.
  3. Be realistic about the timelines you establish. Can you really get ready for the neighborhood yard sale in 3 days? Gauge how much time you’ll need to be fully prepared and create a reasonable timeline for big projects.
  4. Learn to say “no.” It’s unrealistic to think you’ll be able to attend every event at your kids’ school. And there are only so many hours you can devote to your volunteer work. You’re only one person and sometimes you’ll have to say “no.”
  5. Recognize the trouble spots during the week. Maybe Thursdays after school are tough because your son has to go to football practice and your daughter has gymnastics at the same time. Plus, that’s the day you and your mom get together for dinner. So, if Thursdays are your trouble spot, look at your schedule and think about what you can move. Maybe you and your mom can do dinner on Tuesdays instead. Perhaps your husband can take care of football and you can focus on gymnastics. It’s also a great idea to sit down on Sunday with your partner or spouse and share your calendar. That way you both know what’s coming up this week and you can shift responsibilities if needed to make things work.
  6. Be flexible when you can. Some things aren’t etched in stone and there will be times when more important things come up unexpectedly. You’re likely to feel calmer if you can be flexible and switch things around in your schedule.
  7. Be clear about your priorities. Your family will most likely be your first priority. But if the occasional work project has to temporarily come first, that might work for you too. When you clearly acknowledge your priorities, decisions about managing your time become easier.
  8. Limit the time you spend in meetings. Many meetings lack productivity and take too much time. If you have the power to excuse yourself from meetings, do it. If you happen to be responsible for holding and leading meetings, ensure they’re short, to-the-point, and productive. Some time management experts have even suggested meetings be limited to 30 minutes and that everyone stands up during the meeting. By doing this, everyone will be brief and the necessary topics will be covered quickly.
  9. Schedule fun activities and “me” time. If you fail to place time in your schedule to have fun, then it likely won’t happen. During those scheduled times you can choose what to do. Carve out the free time you deserve.

Manage your time in a way that works for you. To achieve your life goals, set priorities, make a schedule, establish realistic timelines, and keep a written record. If you can implement these suggestions, you’ll be on the path to success.

If you want more secrets to the path for professional success, you can:

  1. Subscribe to my YouTube channel and watch quick tips to help your job search or make yourself promotable.
  2. Join my private Successfully Ever After Facebook Group for trainings and information designed for success-seekers.
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  4. Work with me privately. Together, we’ll craft a personal career brand that will grow with you throughout your career and set you up for a lifetime of career success.

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