Is Your Current Job Holding You Back? If You Hate It, Probably!

Written by chellie

May 25, 2021

Note: In honor of International Coaching Week (May 17–23, 2021.), which is all about showcasing the value of working with a professional coach and how that relationship helps you see real results and progress, I’m sharing a special training with you. It’s called Reach Your Career Peak. For 10 days, I’ll be sharing tips and tactics designed to help you reach the top of your career field. I’m also giving away a FREE e-book and workbook if you want to work along with me. If you have any questions, feel free to drop them in the comments here or on social media where I’m posting a series of video trainings as well. 

It’s Day 7 of the “Reach Your Career Peak” training. As a thank you for sticking with me this far, I’ve got a bonus download for you. It’s a report called Hard Truth: 9 Truths You Must Embrace to Be Successful.

I know it feels like a never-ending climb, but I promise you if you stick with it and work your goals, you will achieve your definition of success.

Today, we’re continuing the discussion we started yesterday. Even if you hate your current job, you might think that you should stay for the money, for the connections, or for the security. All of these are valid reasons to stay in a position, but not if that position is holding you back. If your current job impedes your career, maybe moving on is the best thing you can do right now.

Here are some good reasons to find a new path and quit your old job.

  1. You’re only doing it for the money Maybe the only thing that’s keeping you in your current job is the money. Money is important, for sure, but it shouldn’t be controlling your life. It’s also not a good motivator for being your best you or excelling at your job. Your boss or your colleagues are toxic Hating your boss or your colleagues can make going to work torture. They might be gaslighting, disrespectful, exploitative, or taking credit for your work. Whatever the team dynamics if you’re unhappy you need to move on.
  2. You’re not being your true self You can’t shine if you’re trying to be someone you’re not. It’s energy-sapping to be in a job that expects you to be someone else. Your performance will suffer, and there’s no way you can reach your potential if you’re fighting your true self all the time.
  3. You’ve been there too long Everyone outgrows their job eventually. If people are starting to say “are you still here?” it’s a sign that maybe it’s time to move on and grow. The same is true if you are continually passed over for opportunities to move up in the company.
  4. Your dreams are elsewhere If you daydream about running your own company, being your own boss, or trying a new field, maybe it’s time to make the jump and just do it. It’s easier than ever to become an entrepreneur. And you can learn the secrets of finding jobs that aren’t listed on sites like Monster and Indeed so you can find a place you really belong. Unless your job is really toxic, use the security of being employed while you plan and set up your new business or look for a new opportunity. Sometimes just having a plan in place for your escape will help you stay in your job a bit longer while you build up a financial cushion.
  5. You want a different lifestyle Maybe your values and priorities have changed, and you want a different balance of work and family time. Or you want to study and improve your skills, so you’re more promotion ready. Whatever is holding you back, you have the power to change it right now. And if quitting your job will make that happen then go for it!

Your Reach the Peak action for today

Do a self-evaluation. Are you happy? If you’re unhappy, what’s causing the problem? Determine if it’s fixable. What’s missing in your professional life? Once you’ve identified this, look at the opportunities where you are and see if there’s a way to incorporate what’s missing.

If a career change might be in your future, the Career Accelerator can help.  

Inside you’ll find…

  • A Career Assessment you can use to get a clearer picture of where you are in your career now and what you want in the future.
  • The 8 Ways a Positive Attitude Enhances Success since you know your thoughts direct your direction.
  • The 4 Steps to Freedom that help you can eliminate habits that smother your dreams.

Best news… you can check out these resources, and all the other content too for just a dollar.

Don’t forget to access your BONUS DOWNLOAD today!

If you haven’t downloaded your FREE copy of my E-book, The Peak: Reaching the Top of Your Field, along with the companion workbook, there’s still a couple more days left. Just fill out the form below and it’ll arrive in your in box. 

Want more?

Join my private Successfully Ever After Facebook Group for trainings and information designed for success-seekers.

Check out my audio books: Get Noticed, Get Hired or When In Doubt, Delete It!

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and watch quick tips to help your job search or make yourself promotable.

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