It is my great pleasure to share with you that I have written a new book called, Culture Secrets: Secrets Leaders Use to Build a V.A.L.U.E. Culture and we are getting ready to publish in just a matter of 2 weeks! It’s my third book and I think it’s the one I’m most excited about. Launch day is scheduled for April 29th and since you have been a faithful supporter and reader of my blog, I wanted to share some tidbits with you first.
I believe culture is the secret ingredient to a successful workplace and career. I started working on this book back in July of 2022. Along with my own research from the training I’ve been doing over the last few years, I had the chance to interview some of the most interesting folks from a variety of industries. They shared the secrets they learned while building their own successful cultures. Take a look at these names!
- David Branderhorst – Design, Launch, Grow – he’s an amazing business coach who has built several successful businesses and shares why entrepreneurs need to pay attention to culture as they build their businesses too.
- Mark Allred – Reveal Talent – is a recruiter/podcaster who shares why culture is a key ingredient in a businesses ability to attract and retain talent and how the pool of potential employees is changing as we add more generations in the workplace.
- Jennifer McClure – Unbridled HR – is a recruiter and international HR speaker who shares how culture has evolved in the workplace and what businesses will need to address in the future to be successful.
- Garry Ridge – CEO WD-40 Company – I must admit, I was fan girling when I talked with Garry. I have followed him for several years (no not in a creepy stalker way, but online) and I love their “Learning Culture” and the way the embrace failure in the workplace. He was most gracious with his time and shared some practical advice CEOs and business leaders to make their employees feel safe and valued.
- Rich Sheridan – Menlo Innovation Co-founder and author of Chief Joy Officer and Joy Inc. speaks my language. He believes we should be able to find joy at work. His unique team set ups and ideas cause over 4,000 people to come and visit their facilities each year to see how culture impacts employees and the workplace.
- Kevin Monroe – is a Gratitude Guru and has been a huge cheerleader of mine over the years. He believes gratitude is an essential tool for work and life.
- Stephen Childs – CHRO Panasonic Automotive Global – if you like tell it like it is, high energy and a driven personality, you’d love Stephen. I knew the first time I heard him speak at a chamber of commerce event that they had a story to tell. Stephen opens up and shares the good, the bad and the ugly of building a strong people-centered culture.
- Bob Brown – Vice President of Finance and Operations Support, Yamaha talks about the importance of the culture you build being a reflection of your workforce. At Yamaha, they have built a culture that reflects the community their employees call home.
- Steven Carse – King of Pops shares how culture grows and your vision expands as a family owned business begins to franchise and spread across the southeast. Plus — how can you not like a business about popsicles?
- Harry Hynekamp – AMB Sports and Entertainment (Mercedes-Benz Stadium, the NFLs Atlanta Falcons, Atlanta United ML Soccer) – talks about why purpose, people and profits go hand-in-hand.
- Daniel Lawrence – Bots For That – brings a global perspective to the conversation as his company is based in London. He shares the impact COVID had on culture and how a building a strong culture is vital in a start-up, especially when it comes to finding the right employees.
Finally, this book allowed me to share a personal passion. You may know, I’ve worked in the electric co-op industry for over 25 years and I love our community-centered, member-owned business model. I also believe the principles on which we are founded, set the industry up to attract the best and brightest of this new generation entering the workforce. So I couldn’t write a book on culture without talking about cooperatives.
- Adam Schwartz with the Cooperative Way – explains why the co-op model hits all the right marks and why todays employees find value in the system.
- Scott Peterson – Senior Vice President of Communications with the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) – retired before the book could be printed, but he and Holly Wetzel, Sr Director of Marketing and Member Services, took time to share they challenges facing the industry and how they themselves as professionals work to build culture on their teams.
- Jana Adams – Executive Director with Touchstone Energy really added to the conversation concerning accountability and the role it plays in a successful culture.

Check out this back cover copy!
We all know that Culture is essential for a business, but how do we cultivate it? How do we choose a culture that will guide us toward achieving our mission? What are the main elements that we should be focusing on? Culture Secrets: Secrets Leaders Use to Build a V.A.L.U.E Culture provides answers to these questions and more. Author Chellie Phillips shares all of the wisdom she has acquired throughout her career and from her corporate training business on implementing a Culture that will provide abundance for everyone within the company. This book will be the catalyst for your business to step into success and thrive with infinite possibilities.
With actionable advice you can implement to transform your company today–Chellie’s pearls of wisdom are gold dust in the hands of leaders who want their businesses to thrive in every aspect and avenue. Transforming and implementing a Culture that will enrich your business has never been easier. Using these never before shared secrets will set you apart from other business leaders, your employees, your customers, and your competitors.
Want to be one of the first to read?
I would love your opinion and am willing to gift you with an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of my book if you’d be willing to join my book launch team. I am looking for key people who would be willing to read an ARC of my book prior to publication and craft an honest review to be posted on Amazon during my book launch.
If you’d like to be a part of my team. I’ll deliver a PDF print-ready copy of my book to you via email and then you’ll have 10 days to review the ARC. Then I’ll ask you to craft your review and hold it until I send further instructions during the book’s launch, on 29th April 2023.
If you’d be willing to do me this honor, please send an email to me at with the phrase – send me the ARC in the subject line. I want to have my team in place as soon as possible. Once I receive your response, I will send along the ARC.
Again, I value your opinion and I’d be most grateful to have you on my Book Launch Team! I’ve worked hard on my book and want to have people like you in my corner who will take this task seriously and follow through. I look forward to hearing your positive response.
Can’t wait for the book? Want more culture talk?
You can hear part of my interview with Tom Keesling, with CUE Streaming, on this weeks episode of the Culture Secrets podcast. Tom is the Chief Marketing Officer for CUE Streaming, and the international president of CUE International. CUE stands for communication unites everyone. I love that! Many of you know my background is in journalism and PR. So communication is a big deal to me. It’s also an important feature in building a strong people centered culture in the workplace. One of the most important things a leader can communicate is their vision. In fact, the first question I asked Tom was, as a leader, or someone developing a business, it’s easy to get hung up on raising capital, hiring people creating products and getting all of your services ready to go. So how do you yourself get a clearer vision for the environment of the organization and what you want it to be like for the people that work for you? And once you get that vision, how do you turn it into or create it in reality?
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