7 Deadly Sins That Destroy Motivation and What You Can Do About Them

female looking frustrated and unmotivated

Written by chellie

October 16, 2024

Ever feel like you just can’t muster the energy or focus to move toward your goals? You’re not alone. There are seven common traps that can sap your motivation, but by recognizing them and taking action, you can get back on track.

1. You Don’t Believe in Yourself

One of the biggest motivation killers is a lack of self-belief. If you don’t think you’re capable of achieving your goals or feel unworthy of success, it becomes nearly impossible to stay motivated. In When In Doubt, Delete It!, I emphasize the importance of building self-confidence: “If you don’t believe you can, why should anyone else?”​. Developing self-confidence isn’t just about thinking positively; it’s about knowing your worth and acting on it.

2. You’re Overwhelmed

It’s easy to lose motivation when your to-do list feels insurmountable. Being overwhelmed can lead to procrastination as you avoid the stress of handling too many tasks at once. In the book, I discuss how taking small steps can lead to big accomplishments: “The journey seems overwhelming until you break it down into bite-sized pieces”​. Clear your plate by prioritizing what really matters and tackle tasks one at a time.

3. You’ve Set Unrealistic Goals

While confidence is crucial, it’s equally important to set realistic goals. If your objectives are too lofty or impractical, you may quickly lose momentum when reality sets in. Instead, try setting smaller, achievable goals that build toward your bigger vision. In When In Doubt, Delete It!, I explain, “Goals should stretch you, but they also need to be attainable. Otherwise, frustration will take over and stop you in your tracks”​.

4. You’re Afraid of Success

Believe it or not, fear of success is a real issue for many. It’s not just the fear of failure that can hold you back—sometimes it’s the fear of change or the unknown that comes with achieving your goals. Confronting this fear is crucial to maintaining your motivation. I suggest writing down your fears and talking them through with a trusted friend. When you address your fears head-on, they lose their power.

5. You’re Stuck in the Past

Living in the past can be a huge obstacle to progress. If you’re constantly rehashing previous failures, you’ll find it hard to move forward. In When In Doubt, Delete It!, I remind readers, “The past is only useful for the lessons it offers. Beyond that, it’s dead weight that drags you down”​. Wipe the slate clean and focus on the present—because that’s where change happens.

6. You Don’t Have the Right Support

The people around you can either uplift or drag you down. If your circle includes individuals who criticize or belittle your goals, it’s time to reevaluate who’s in your corner. “Your tribe shapes your vibe,” I write in When In Doubt, Delete It!​. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who encourage you to keep going, even when the going gets tough.

7. You Don’t Have a Strategy

Lack of planning can be the silent killer of motivation. Without a clear strategy or roadmap, it’s easy to get lost along the way. Motivation thrives when you have a plan to follow. As I explain in the book, “A goal without a plan is just a wish. You need a strategy to turn those dreams into action”​. Whether it’s creating a schedule, setting deadlines, or using affirmations, having a solid plan in place keeps you moving forward.

Video Suggestion:

By recognizing these seven common motivation killers and implementing strategies to overcome them, you can break free from what’s holding you back and reignite your drive toward success.

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