The Success Brain: A Winning Approach to Achievement and Success

Create your path to career success by building the mindset, beliefs, and habits to reach your intended goal.

1. Course Introduction

1. Welcome to the Course

1. Welcome to the Course

Learning how to be successful is a process. This course will guide you in this process. It begins with the development of an effective mindset and...

2. About Your Instructor

2. About Your Instructor

Hi! I'm Chellie and I've got a passion for helping people find career success. I've spent years hiring and training employees, as well as mentoring...

3. Outline and Objectives

3. Outline and Objectives

Module 1 - The Success Brain Mindset Description In Module 1, you’ll find an introduction with tips to get the most out of the course. Then it’s...

2. The Success Brain Mindset – Developing a brain geared toward success

1. What Does Success Mean to You?

1. What Does Success Mean to You?

Welcome to “The Success Brain” course! This course enables you to evaluate your life and goals and formulate a successful plan for achieving those...

2. Thinking Your Way to Success

2. Thinking Your Way to Success

Success begins with the mindset, and to build the most effective mindset, it’s important to understand what success means to you. You’ve completed...

3. Attacking Limiting Beliefs

3. Discovering Your Limiting Beliefs

3. Discovering Your Limiting Beliefs

Did you complete the exercise on identifying your unachieved goals? Was it uncomfortable? Good! Discomfort is a sign that you’re doing something...

4. How to Eliminate A Limiting Belief

4. How to Eliminate A Limiting Belief

How many limiting beliefs did you discover in just one area of your life? Identifying limiting beliefs isn’t fun, but now you’re going to learn how...

6. Module 2 Summary and Reflection

6. Module 2 Summary and Reflection

Limiting beliefs really do put our lives in a stranglehold. They can lead us to believe that we have limited options to deal with our challenges or...

4. The Systematic Approach to Goals Description

5. Develop New, Empowering Habits

5. Develop New, Empowering Habits

Swapping a negative habit for a positive habit is a powerful success skill. However, there are times when installing a new habit is necessary, even...

6. See the Strategies in Action

6. See the Strategies in Action

You have an idea of how to drop a bad habit and how to create a good habit. You also just learned how to develop new, empowering habits in the...

7. Module 3 Summary and Reflection

7. Module 3 Summary and Reflection

The primary idea of this module is to approach your goals in a systematic fashion. There are countless theories of how to set and achieve goals....

5. Creating Healthy Habits

4. 8 Habits That Guarantee Success

4. 8 Habits That Guarantee Success

In the last lesson, you became acquainted with strategies to help you break bad habits one day at a time. Even if you only attack one habit a month,...

6. Module 4 Summary and Reflection

6. Module 4 Summary and Reflection

This module further expands one of the topics in the previous module – Habits. Most people acknowledge they have both good and poor habits. Few...

6. Living the Best Year of Your Life

1. Review Your Past

1. Review Your Past

This is the last module. You’ve undoubtedly made some great strides if you’ve put the lessons into action. This final module is built around...

2. Design Your Life

2. Design Your Life

Your past is a gift you can use to determine your future. The clues your previous behaviors and results provide can be used to create the future of...

3. Strive for Balance

3. Strive for Balance

After creating the ideal vision for your lifestyle, it’s important to consider the importance of balance. You can achieve your dreams and still...

4. Gather Your Resources

4. Gather Your Resources

The previous lesson was about the importance of balance in your life. When your life is out of balance, it’s easy to be unhappy. This lesson deals...

5. Identify Potential Obstacles

5. Identify Potential Obstacles

In the last lesson, we looked at the importance of gathering resources. Without any available resources, you can’t change anything. Though,...

6. Do You Have What It Takes?

6. Do You Have What It Takes?

When you’re aware of the obstacles you’re likely to face, you can prepare yourself and gather the proper resources before you need them. That’s a...

7. Putting It All Together

7. Putting It All Together

Becoming the person you need to be was the topic of the previous lesson. It was a logical conclusion to the topic of having your best year ever....

8. Module 5 Summary and Reflection

8. Module 5 Summary and Reflection

There’s a lot to do to create the best year of your life. But none of it is particularly challenging. Determine the lifestyle that would appeal to...