10 Traits of Highly Motivated People

group of coworkers high-fiving

Written by chellie

October 2, 2024

You can spot a highly motivated person from a mile away. They seem unstoppable, tackling challenges with energy that never runs out. But what makes them tick? What are the core traits that keep them motivated and driven in the face of obstacles?

1. Purpose

Highly motivated people don’t just work for the sake of working—they’re driven by a sense of purpose. They understand how their contributions fit into the bigger picture and can clearly see the value of their efforts, no matter how small. In When In Doubt, Delete It!, I emphasize that “when you’re connected to a clear purpose, you find meaning in even the most mundane tasks”​. Having that sense of purpose allows them to keep moving forward, knowing that every step is part of a greater journey.

2. Optimism

Motivated people have a positive outlook, not because they ignore the challenges but because they envision a future where success is possible. Optimism fuels their belief that no matter how tough things get, better days are ahead. They leverage this mindset to keep pushing toward their goals, no matter what obstacles arise.

3. Self-Esteem

Confidence is a cornerstone of motivation. Highly motivated individuals believe in their abilities because they’ve taken the time to recognize their strengths. In When In Doubt, Delete It!, I explain, “Self-belief isn’t arrogance—it’s knowing your worth and using that knowledge to fuel your journey”​. This self-awareness helps them approach tasks with the assurance that they can succeed, even when things get tough.

4. Bravery

Taking risks is second nature to motivated people. They understand that stepping into the unknown is often necessary to grow and achieve their goals. Whether it’s starting a new project or venturing into unfamiliar territory, they don’t shy away from challenges. Motivated individuals embrace failure as part of the learning process, which allows them to take calculated risks without fear holding them back.

5. Energy

Motivated people have an inner reservoir of energy—physical, mental, and emotional—that keeps them moving forward. This energy isn’t just about being physically active but also about having the emotional resilience to deal with setbacks and the mental stamina to stay focused. Their enthusiasm is infectious, energizing not only themselves but also those around them.

6. Persistence

When the going gets tough, motivated people get tougher. They don’t give up at the first sign of difficulty. Instead, they dig in, refocus, and keep working toward their goals. Persistence is the glue that holds their efforts together. It’s this trait that separates those who reach their goals from those who give up halfway through.

7. Perspective

Motivated individuals are good at keeping things in perspective. They know how to differentiate between the big issues and the minor distractions that could derail them. When setbacks happen, they don’t lose sight of the bigger picture. This ability to keep things in context allows them to stay focused and not get bogged down by small, inconsequential setbacks.

8. Reflective

Motivated people are not just doers—they’re thinkers. They take time to reflect on what’s working and what isn’t. As the old saying goes, “When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.” Reflecting on both successes and failures is critical for growth, and highly motivated individuals use these insights to fine-tune their strategies and make smarter choices moving forward.

9. Humility

Humility is often misunderstood, but it’s a powerful trait for motivated individuals. It allows them to take feedback, adapt, and continue moving forward without being sidetracked by ego. As I mention in When In Doubt, Delete It!, “Humility isn’t about downplaying your abilities—it’s about being open to learning and understanding that there’s always room for improvement”​. This trait helps them collaborate effectively, learn from others, and stay on course.

10. Celebration

Motivated people understand the importance of celebrating wins, big or small. Celebrating success keeps their energy and morale high and helps them appreciate the hard work they’ve put in. It’s not about showing off, but about taking the time to recognize the progress they’ve made before setting their sights on the next goal.

For more insights into what drives motivation and how to sustain it, check out the conversations I’ve had with some amazing podcast hosts. You can find an updated list HERE. In that episode, I dive deeper into how motivation fuels success, even when the odds are stacked against you. Listening to the stories of triumph in the face of adversity can give you a fresh perspective on how to maintain motivation in your own life.

If you want more secrets to a thriving workplace, you can:

Listen to the Culture Secrets Podcast on your favorite platform.

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Check out my audio books: Get Noticed, Get Hired or When In Doubt, Delete It!

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