Resolve to get those creative juices flowing in 2017

Make a resolution to get those creative juices flowing in 2017. This time of year everyone is talking about resolutions and goal setting. Don’t panic. Instead think of it in terms of what you can do to add more joy and productivity into your life.  I’ve...

When did quitting become OK?

It’s Bowl Season. I love college football, but this year the bowls have been overshadowed by the discussion on whether it’s ok for a player to skip playing a bowl game if they are going out for the NFL draft. The one getting the most attention is Lenonard Fournette ...

Start a new tradition and add to your story

It’s Christmas Eve!!! All the presents are wrapped. The decorations are twinkling. It’s a wonderful time of year.  This Christmas consider adding to your story. Start a tradition that adds meaning and joy to your life.  My extended family gathers...