by chellie | Sep 28, 2021 | Career, Career Branding, networking, personal branding, Uncategorized
The internet makes it so easy to connect with someone in South America you may forget about the guy, or gal, in the next cubicle. However, the colleagues who work by your side each day provide some of your best opportunities for developing close friendships and...
by chellie | Sep 21, 2021 | Career, Corporate Culture, professionalism, Women in the Workplace, workplace
As you’ve probably discovered, your work can trigger all kinds of stress reactions. From minor annoyances to heart attacks, on-the-job stress is a major cause of many mental and physical ailments. Are you suffering the consequences of workplace stress? Consider these...
by chellie | Sep 16, 2021 | Branding, Career, Career Branding, job search, personal branding
There is at least one thing job hunters at the beginning and end of their career have in common. Both groups find that age affects their career prospects, and how they need to present themselves to potential employers. Job hunters over 40 and young adults seeking...
by chellie | Sep 14, 2021 | Career, Career Branding, Communications, Corporate Culture, job, job search, leadership, motivation, personal branding, personal growth, success, Women in the Workplace
Your career is like a ship and you’re the captain. You can drift along or take command to guide it in a clear and positive direction. These are some suggestions for setting your course and sticking to it so you so wind up where you want to go. Setting a Course...
by chellie | Sep 2, 2021 | Branding, Career, Career Branding, Corporate Culture, personal branding, personal growth
Failing at something can feel devastating, especially if it involves your job and you’re working towards a promotion, but you can use the experience to grow your personal brand and have a positive impact on your career. At some point, all of us will experience...
by chellie | Aug 31, 2021 | Branding, Career, Career Branding, Corporate Culture, empowering women, leadership, networking, personal branding, Women in the Workplace
I was recently invited by the Fayette Chamber of Commerce to participate in their Diversity and Inclusion Summit. Today’s blog is an excerpt from the presentation I gave there on “How to Ignite the Impact of Women Leaders in Your Organization.” What...