by chellie | Nov 24, 2020 | Career, job, job search, personal growth
Do you often feel nervous about your annual employee performance review? Even the thought of it can make your heart beat faster as uneasy feelings well up inside you! The good news is there are steps you can take to prepare for a more relaxed and constructive exchange...
by chellie | Nov 19, 2020 | Career, job, personal growth, workplace
When you consider the amount of time you spend with your work colleagues, it’s natural that many of your deepest friendships may develop there.Office friendships make your work hours more pleasant and productive as long as you address the built in complexities...
by chellie | Nov 10, 2020 | Career, Corporate Culture, Employee engagement, empowering women, entrepreneurship, Grow Your Business, job search, motivation, personal growth, Start Your Business
You’re probably asking how do Fruit Loops and a job search add up to anything. Well, those fruity colorful circles helped launch an internal revolution in me. They were a catalyst that spurred me to make changes and in the process, realize other people needed to...
by chellie | Oct 29, 2020 | Career, personal growth, Remote Work, work from home
If you’re new to remote work, you may feel nervous about making a sudden transition from your cubicle to your dining room table. However, a growing number of employees are thriving in these flexible arrangements, and you can learn from their example. Remote work has...
by chellie | Oct 15, 2020 | Career, personal growth
Making a career choice and sticking to it is not as easy as it sounds, especially in today’s economic climate. It can be nerve-wracking to go through the process of choosing a path, especially when you’re not sure if it’ll take you to a long-lived career. So how do...
by cfcadmin | Oct 10, 2020 | Employee engagement, empowering women, personal growth, workplace
Today is Mental Health Day. The decisions we make in choosing our workplace can impact our mental health greatly. A large amount of our time is spent at work or seeking employment. Our experience in the workplace effects our overall wellbeing. If you’re searching for...