Is your graduate one of the 27%?

According to an article in the Washington Post, only 27% of college grads leave school with a job related to their major. That means 73% of graduates are underemployed, if they found a job at all. After spending years grinding through their studies, many come face to...

Does Your New Year’s Resolutions Include A Career Shift?

Does your New Year’s resolutions include a career shift?  If so, ask yourself these 3 questions… Before you can start looking ahead you need an accurate picture of where you’ve been. It’s time to take stock of the work you’ve accomplished, how you’ve positioned...

BEEP….BEEP….BEEP….BEEP You slap at the alarm hitting the snooze once again.

I get it. You can’t believe it’s Monday again. I was there too. I’ve gone to bed on Sunday night already dreading the alarm going off on Monday morning. I was sick of getting up going to a job where I felt unappreciated, unmotivated and stuck with no upward movement....