If you're working to build your brand in 30 days - congratulations, you're half way there now. Your new workbook is attached to this lesson for you...

If you're working to build your brand in 30 days - congratulations, you're half way there now. Your new workbook is attached to this lesson for you...
It’s time to start growing your network. Your goal today is to grow your network by including people you know. I included a sample message in...
Joining groups is a great way to grow your network and they can be key in your job search since they are typically industry, skill or location...
You’ve been growing your contacts on LinkedIn, but I don’t want you to forget about connections you have with people who might not be on...
We’re continuing to look at your list of contacts today. But today is an action day. There’s a template in your workbook on page 5 of your 3rd...
You’ve been focused on reaching out to people you know. Today, we’re taking it a step further. If you feel a little uncomfortable reaching out to...
Q. How Much Time Should You Spend Looking For A Job? A. It depends! It would be easy to say you should treat your job search like a full-time job....
Keep beefing up your profile While you're spending time each week on your LinkedIn Profile, another way to add interest is through recommendations...
Now we will address your physical marketing pieces – your cover letter and resume. I've worked in communications and public relations for...
In a world of digital forms and online submissions, you might be wondering, "Do resumes even matter anymore?" The quick answer is yes. But...