You’ve finally figured out what you want professionally, and it means a career pivot is in your future. Make a solid plan before you act, so you have a successful career change. My FREE CAREER ASSESSMENT Worksheet can help you get started.
Before beginning any action, make sure you have thought through the following areas:
- Values – before making a pivot, do some soul searching about your values and the impact you want to have (for more on values, check out this post). The more your professional path aligns with your personal values, the more successful it will be.
- Skills and Knowledge – By detailing your current skills and abilities, you’ll have a total inventory of your experience to look at objectively. You can create a big picture of what you specifically have to offer a potential employer.
- Your Network and Support Team – You’ll need people in your corner. Make sure you’ve talked with your family about your ideas and decisions. Your decisions will impact them too. Start with people you can count on to provide you real talk, advice and serve as a sounding board throughout the process. Then identify who in your professional realm can help in your pivot. Reach out to them, but don’t forget people you know on a “virtual” level as well. Most job offers come through connections, so it’s vital to spend time in this area.
- Current Financial Situation – Have a clear picture of your current financial situation. Don’t quit a job if you can’t afford to pay bills for several months just to search for another. If you need additional education to move into a field you feel is a perfect fit, make a plan that fits your budget to get the certifications you need. Think about your future needs. As you investigate new opportunities, make sure the salaries and benefits offered will work for your lifestyle and the needs of your family.
- Timing – Make sure there’s nothing happening in the market that would impact your career pivot. Also don’t make a career pivot if your own life is in turmoil or upheaval. If you are dealing with personal issues or health issues, it’s probably not the time to add the stress of a job search on top of that. Wait until your mind is clear and you can focus on making your plan a success.
- Expectations – Manage your expectations. A job offer can take time to come. Remember, your career is only a piece of your life. If there’s something wrong with your marriage or your kids are a nightmare, a job change won’t fix that. Even good jobs have bad days too.
For more help planning a successful job search, check out the resources and programs at chelliephillips.com.