You’re probably asking how do Fruit Loops and a job search add up to anything. Well, those fruity colorful circles helped launch an internal revolution in me. They were a catalyst that spurred me to make changes and in the process, realize other people needed to know what I learned on the journey.
I’m Chellie and I’ve created Successfully Ever After programs for you. My goal is to make your job search easier and faster by providing you with the tactics and tools needed to give you career success. I’m going to be upfront with you, in the beginning – I didn’t always have it figured out. I kept at it and a business was born. Keep reading and I’ll share my journey and how Successfully Ever After came to be.
Think about your day. We spend more hours at work and with our coworkers than we do with out families and friends. life is to short to be in a job that you don’t love or one that makes you feel unappreciated. As a career brand strategist, I’m part advocate, motivator, instructor and connector. So how did I end up here? Let me share two defining moments.
I had a 20 plus year, award-winning career in the public relations and communication field and then something happened to change that overnight.
How I Found My Worth In A Box of Fruit Loops
If you want the short version, check out this video. If not, keep reading…
My company got a new general manager and it became clear very quickly I was no longer a valued member of the team. His priorities weren’t the same as my previous boss. I went from feeling valued to unnecessary. I didn’t realize was how deeply my self-worth was tied into my career. It was a struggle for me. I let it get in my head. I started to question my own skills.
But then one night, he sent an email basically saying my degree and skills must have come from a box of cereal. That’s when I woke up. I realized it wasn’t me, it was him. And I wasn’t going to allow him to have that power over me any longer. So I made a decision to leave that organization and find a place where I could continue to grow and be a part of a team where my skills were appreciated and made a difference.
What I learned was – it wasn’t that easy. I was over 40. You didn’t’ job search the same way I had 20 years ago. The marketplace was digital now and I had to up my game. So I relied on my marketing skills and created my own career brand. I made a campaign to sell myself to employers who I thought aligned with my values and wants.
It worked. I found a new organization and I love showing up every day. Change is possible at any age as long as you adapt your plan.
That’s how the basis of my Successfully Ever After Formula (TM) started forming, but there was one more moment that caused me to really dive deep and create a program for everyone.
How One College Students Tragedy Propelled Me To Action
For 14 years, I worked as a volunteer advisor for a national sorority on a college campus. I worked with chapter officers who generally were the cream of the crop. They were the high achievers and ones who graduated with honors. Along with encouraging them along their academic path, I also mentored them, so they were ready for professional life. Yet, year after year, I saw exceptional students walk across the stage, pick up their diplomas, and leave campus without a job opportunity in their filed.
Then one year, one of the women faced a horrible personal tragedy. Her father committed suicide and left her family distraught and in financial trouble. So we used the same techniques I’d used to help her find a career where she’d be happy and financially stable. It worked for her too. Other women began asking me to help them and the business was born. Interviews and offers have been rolling in ever since.
Sharing the knowledge with job seekers and career changers
Over the years, I’ve managed intern programs, been responsible for corporate hiring, managed executive director searches for non-profits and created employee development programs. I’ve learned what companies look for and how to identify quality candidates. I’ve seen the mistakes job seekers make and how they can be avoided.
So, I decided to bring my expertise to the market and help job seekers and career changers in a big way. I’m thrilled to share my insights, experience and resources to help others succeed. I’m devoted to building a strong community of achievers because I have faith there’s plenty of success to go around.
Since then, I’ve helped hundreds land interviews, spoke in front of numerous groups and shared my Successfully Ever After Formula (TM) with all who will listen. I want you to experience the same results and discover a career path that leaves you excited to show up every Monday. Go check out my website, sign up for a free course, or use the numerous free resources we’ve created so you can get on the path to career success. Click here to see all we offer.
I look forward to hearing from you and helping you achieve the success you’ve always dreamed of!