The Leadership Playbook: 8 Essential Traits for Pulling Your Team Through Tough Times

Female moving down a path reaching behind and pulling someone along

Written by chellie

September 25, 2024

Leading a team when everything is smooth sailing is easy. You celebrate wins, give praise, and everyone leaves with smiles on their faces. But when the pressure’s on, and the team is in the trenches, that’s when true leadership is tested. To keep everything from unraveling during tough times, here are eight critical traits leaders must embody.

1. Grit

Grit is the backbone of resilient leadership. It’s not just about courage, but the ability to persist when the road ahead is anything but clear. Leaders who show grit keep their teams focused, even when morale is low, and obstacles seem insurmountable. In Culture Secrets: Secrets Leaders Use to Build a V.A.L.U.E. Culture,” I write, “In moments of adversity, the leader’s resolve becomes the team’s lifeline. Your strength sets the tone for how they’ll respond”​. When leaders dig deep, their teams follow suit, staying committed to the battle until it’s won.

2. Optimism

While grit keeps you grounded in the present, optimism lifts your team’s eyes to the future. When leaders show confidence in a positive outcome, it fosters the belief that there is light at the end of the tunnel. This vision helps the team push through, knowing that something better awaits on the other side. Optimism isn’t about ignoring challenges but seeing beyond them to what’s possible.

3. Pragmatism

Balanced leaders know that while optimism is crucial, it must be paired with pragmatism. Tough times call for leaders who can stay realistic about current challenges without letting emotions cloud their judgment. This means making decisions based on facts and data, even when the team’s spirits are down. As I emphasize in “When In Doubt, Delete It!”, “Leaders must look at every angle with a clear, practical eye. It’s about knowing when to take a step back, recalibrate, and ensure you’re making the right move for long-term success”​.

4. Selflessness

Leaders aren’t in it for themselves—they’re there for the team. A true leader makes sacrifices to ensure the well-being of their people. Whether that means putting in extra hours, absorbing the fallout of a tough decision, or being the last one to leave, a leader’s selflessness is what inspires loyalty and dedication from their team. As the saying goes, the captain makes sure everyone is safe before thinking of their own exit.

5. Resolution

Tough times can stir up dissension or frustration within a team. A strong leader must remain resolute, holding the line and keeping order when things get tense. Sometimes that means showing tough love or addressing negative attitudes head-on. In leadership, putting the boot down when necessary isn’t about being harsh, but about maintaining the discipline needed to pull everyone through.

6. Encouragement

During challenging times, one of the simplest yet most effective tools a leader has is encouragement. Sometimes it’s as straightforward as offering a kind word or a pat on the back. Other times, it’s about being a visible presence in the middle of the storm, showing that you’re with the team every step of the way. Encouragement provides the emotional fuel your team needs to keep going when the going gets tough.

7. Preparedness

Good leaders don’t get blindsided by tough times—they’ve anticipated the possibility and are ready with a plan. Whether it’s financial difficulties, a market downturn, or internal conflict, preparedness is about having a strategy in place and being ready to pivot when necessary. Leaders who anticipate potential obstacles and prepare for them keep their teams steady, no matter what comes their way.

8. Bravery

Fear can spread like wildfire through a team if not managed. A brave leader stands strong in the face of uncertainty, showing their team that, even if the path ahead is unclear, they won’t back down. This bravery inspires confidence, helping the team to face their fears and move forward with courage. As I noted in Culture Secrets,” “When a leader acts with bravery, it sends a signal to the team: we can do this”​.

Leadership during tough times is about more than just managing the day-to-day. It’s about embodying the qualities that inspire and empower your team to persevere. Whether through grit, optimism, or selflessness, strong leaders pull their teams through adversity by leading with purpose and resolve.

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