Interviews can be intimidating and the pressure that comes from sitting across from a stranger can make you say things you shouldn’t. Here are 3 things to avoid saying in your interview.
Don’t be a perfectionist
I’m a perfectionist. People answer “Tell me about your weaknesses.” this way. On the surface, you may think it sounds good. I mean what employer wouldn’t want someone who always strives for perfect? First, it’s said way to often. No one believes it anymore. Secondly, most employers want people who aren’t afraid to take changes or handle change. Perfectionists get bogged down in the small details and lose sight of the larger picture or goal.
Unsupervised can come across as not a team player
I work well unsupervised. While employers like the idea of an employee they don’t need to micromanage, it can come across as you resent any supervision at all. You need to show you can take direction and be part of a team. Let them know you can fit well in the team environment they have already established.
I’ll do anything. You mean it as a sign of eagerness, but it can come across as desperation. Being willing to learn new skills is a good trait, but in the interview stage, it can make you appear like you’d take anything just to get a paycheck. Employers would rather you take a position you feel is an area you can excel in. This can be a red flag and make potential employers think you’d be a risk down the road if something else you were more suited for became available. Always be ready with a few reasons why you feel you’re already suited for the task at hand.
For more tips on interviewing and a successful job search, check out the resources at chelliephillips.com