by CPhillips | Jan 7, 2020 | personal growth
You’ve sacrificed and spent a small fortune to see your child walk across a stage, shake hands with a university official and receive their prized degree. Now it’s time to sit back and enjoy watching them take on the world as an adult. Maybe you have plans of your own...
by CPhillips | Aug 30, 2019 | Career, Interview, job, personal growth, professionalism, success
Labor Day, isn’t just a 3-day weekend. It’s a celebration of the contributions all workers have made in growing the prosperity of our nation, economy and wellbeing of all those who call it home. However, there’s 1,000’s of people who get up every day and trudge off to...
by CPhillips | Aug 8, 2019 | Business, Career, empowering women, entrepreneurship, motivation, personal growth, professionalism, workplace
BEEP….BEEP….BEEP….BEEP You slap at the alarm hitting the snooze once again. I get it. You can’t believe it’s Monday again. I was there too. I’ve gone to bed on Sunday night already dreading the alarm going off on Monday morning. I was sick of getting up going to a job...
by CPhillips | Aug 6, 2019 | Business, Corporate Culture, empowering women, entrepreneurship, Grow Your Business, marketing, motivation, personal growth, professionalism, social media, Start Your Business, success
I get it. You can’t believe it’s Monday again. I was there too. I’ve gone to bed on Sunday night already dreading the alarm going off on Monday morning. I was sick of getting up going to a job where I felt unappreciated, unmotivated and stuck with no upward movement....
by CPhillips | Aug 1, 2019 | Career, empowering women, entrepreneurship, job, personal growth
I’ve heard from countless women who say When In Doubt, Delete It! has encouraged them to make a change. In the book, I share my own career journey – including a career change after more than 20 years at one job. I’ve been amazed at how many women feel...
by CPhillips | Jun 20, 2019 | Business, empowering women, entrepreneurship, leadership, motivation, personal growth
I am what I am today because of what I believed about myself yesterday; and I’ll be tomorrow what I believe about myself right now. I’ve searched and can’t find who to attribute that quote to, but it’s one I wrote out on an index card and keep where I see it often. As...