WHY YOUR LINKEDIN HEAD Shot May Be Holding You Back Recruiters, colleagues, and potential clients are 14 times more likely to click on your LinkedIn...

WHY YOUR LINKEDIN HEAD Shot May Be Holding You Back Recruiters, colleagues, and potential clients are 14 times more likely to click on your LinkedIn...
Almost 95% of recruiters use LinkedIn to search for candidates, but most job seekers are overlooking this valuable opportunity. If you’re like many...
We’ve all heard the phrase, a picture is worth a thousand words. According to LinkedIn, having a profile photo will result in up to 21x...
I’m sure you’ve been looking on job sites like Monster and Indeed to apply for jobs. There’s a lot of information in a typical posting. If...
We’re going to start using the job postings you are interested in to help strengthen your digital profile and start preparing to build your resume....
It’s time to start creating. Today, you’ll tackle the first part of your LinkedIn Profile recruiters and hiring managers notice. It’s called your...
It's time for some feedback. I told you this program is like having a career coach working alongside you. Send an email...
We’re still working on your LinkedIn Profile. Today is all about your summary. I’ll let you in on a secret. Your LinkedIn Summary is one of the most...
Here's your chance for more feedback! Since the summary section of LinkedIn is so important, I want to make sure you're nailing this section. Send...
We’ll finish out the basics of your LinkedIn Profile today. Pat yourself on the back. You’ve made a lot of progress. Make sure you fill out the...