Pertinent Info You Can UseRight Now
Generational dynamics are changing the workplace
Chain of command. A hierarchy. Organization charts. Are all of these terms a thing of the past in the workplace? According to Seth Mattison with Future Sight Labs, the new generation of workers see the office in a very different way. If you've been in the...
4 Rules to Branding in a Digital Age
Branding isn't a new idea or concept. It's your promise to your customer. It's what they know they can expect from you, your product or service. It's what makes you different than your competitor. The basics of branding haven't changed just because the mediums are...
10 Steps to Move Your Career Forward
So you're just starting out in your career. You've already got your eye on that next rung up the ladder. So how do you get ahead? Here's 10 steps to move your career forward. Be positive. No one likes a negative Nancy. Make sure your boss isn't surprised. If you know...
What culture are you creating?
Culture is how we choose to live and behave every day. It is the mindset we embrace. It is a shared set of beliefs. What kind of culture are you growing at work? Are you creating a type of environment which leads to high performing, emotionally invested teams? You are...
Build your confidence step by step
Self confidence - the ability or belief in one’s self to accomplish anything no matter the adversity. Easier said than done right? Wrong. Personally, I think self confidence is a skill and something that you can create and develop. So how do you do it? In Ivan...
Living your passion
I've been watching a lot of Ted X talks. A lot of the same themes reoccur and they've really been sticking with me. Mel Robbins talks about ideas. ( Our problem is not the lack of ideas in the world, but the lack of activation and energy...
Resolve to get those creative juices flowing in 2017
Make a resolution to get those creative juices flowing in 2017. This time of year everyone is talking about resolutions and goal setting. Don't panic. Instead think of it in terms of what you can do to add more joy and productivity into your life. I've made a simple...
When did quitting become OK?
It’s Bowl Season. I love college football, but this year the bowls have been overshadowed by the discussion on whether it’s ok for a player to skip playing a bowl game if they are going out for the NFL draft. The one getting the most attention is Lenonard Fournette -...
Start a new tradition and add to your story
It's Christmas Eve!!! All the presents are wrapped. The decorations are twinkling. It's a wonderful time of year. This Christmas consider adding to your story. Start a tradition that adds meaning and joy to your life. My extended family gathers each...
Using photos to tell a story
A photo can generate a lot of interest in your story. In fact, it can draw people in that would never otherwise stop and read what you wrote. It can also add dimension to your story and be used to add emphasis. Photos are worth a 1000 words when they are done right....
Using Events to Spread Your Message
When you put the right effort into planning an event, it can be a great way to showcase your message and image to clients or potential clients. Once the decision is made to host an event, you need to start your plan by asking a few simple questions. What is the...
Growing Engagement Through Youth Programs
Special thanks to everyone who participated in the webinar I conducted for the Cooperative Communicators Association today. As promised, here’s the 8 question cheat sheet for planning a youth program. (handout-growing-engagement-through-youth-programs) Youth programs...
Make sure your writing isn't filled with crap!
C- Cliché R- Run on sentences A- Apathy P- Passive tone of voice Let’s start with cliché. What is it? By definition a cliché is: 1) a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought and 2) a trite, stereotyped expression. None of which sounds...
Is negativity invading your office?
Is there someone at your office everyone wishes would take a sick day or week? Or worse, is that someone you? Negativity can invade the workplace and spread like a virus. Negativity has symptoms. They include a change in job performance. Do you notice someone...
It's all about the relationship
Your customer satisfaction can be greatly increased just by focusing on the relationship they have with your organization. Here are 10 questions to ask yourself: How fast do you respond to their need? How quickly do you get them an answer? People perceive your...
Anyone can be a leader
Do you have a heart? A brain? Eyes? Mouth? Then I say you have everything you need to be a leader. Are you willing to accept yourself and others? Can you help someone else do the same? When you take the time to discover and develop the gifts and talents you've been...
The idea assembly line
In today's business world, it's often called brainstorming or focus groups; but I like the assembly line concept. It keeps thoughts moving forward and allows others to contribute to the success. Ideas only become reality when they are fleshed out. This can be...
The Golden Rule of 3- and other speech writing tips
I'm going to let you in on the three secrets of speech writing. They are: Substance, or what you say Style. How you deliver and the words you choose to use. Impact . Did the speaker make a difference in the audience? Does it have a call to action? But before you write...
Hitting a homerun with your story
Characters make a story. Before your story will resonate with a reader, you've got to give it a heartbeat. Is the content something your reader wants or can use? It should tell what you are going to do for a reader. Are you going to show them how to make better use of...
Doing the impossible
When you show yourself you can beat an “impossible,” you open the door to achieving anything.
How fast do you bounce back?
Thomas Edison said….I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that wouldn’t work. How fast you bounce back when something goes wrong? How long does it take for you to get back up when failure knocks you flat on your a$$? Maybe you got shot down by your boss. Maybe...
Developing a full blown communication strategy and plan
This is a 2 part series. In Part 1 (Are you a Seat of the Pants Communicator?), I address how a communications audit can help you get a grasp on what you are spending your time on. In Part 2 (Developing a full blown communication strategy and plan), I'll show you how...
Are you a "Seat of the Pants" Communicator?
This is a 2 part series. In Part 1 (Are you a Seat of the Pants Communicator?), I address how a communications audit can help you get a grasp on what you are spending your time on. In Part 2 (Developing a full blown communication strategy and plan), I'll show you how...
Youth Programs That Grow Engagement
Join us as we look at ways to grow your engagement for years to come!! When: Wednesday, December 7 at 11 a.m. Eastern (10 a.m. Central; 9 a.m. Mountain; 8 a.m. Pacific)Registration Deadline: November 30Presenter: Chellie Phillips, Marketing, Member Services and...
All marketing starts with a problem
All marketing starts with a problem. Do you agree?Whether you are marketing your company’s latest venture or you are looking for your next career move, all marketing starts with a problem. Once you’ve identified what that problem is, you can begin to craft a plan for...
Use brainstorming sessions to tap new ideas
Your story is only limited by your creativity. Make sure you carve out time to keep that creativity alive. In order to create new products or tap into new markets, you’ve got to work at creating innovative ideas. One way of doing this is with brainstorming sessions....
Wow your customer in 10 easy steps
Remember the root word of customer is “custom”. Everyone today wants it “my” way. And they want it when they want it - 24/7/365 at 2 a.m. And they want it how they want it (downloads, shipped, never have to leave the house). In this day of “custom” treatment how can...
Make it a tempting package
Do you remember a time you received a gift? Perhaps it was a birthday or Christmas present. But it was one wrapped up so enticingly in pretty paper, with bows and sparkles, you almost hated ripping it open. The package itself was almost as good as the gift.That’s how...
Are you counting what matters?
Before you begin any communications, make sure you have measurable objectives. Do you know your reputation has a tangible value? That what your customers perceive is important?Communicating today isn’t just about getting the words on paper. It’s about giving your...
Dealing with Difficult People – Your survival kit
This is a 2 part series. Part 1 addresses the different personality types. Then in part 2, we'll look at how to deal with them in the workplace.Your survival kit for difficult people is enhanced by your ability to read people. This first skill is avoidance. If you...
Dealing with Difficult People
This is a 2 part series. Part 1 addresses the different personality types. Then in part 2, we'll look at how to deal with them in the workplace.How difficult people affect you resides solely in your hands. Every person has the power to control their own thoughts and...
PR on a shoestring
When you are just starting your business there are some really inexpensive ways to create a public presence for your product or organization. This also works if you are trying to convince upper management to allocate funding for a PR budget.Begin by simply clipping...
Dealing with dissatisfaction
How many of you have left a restaurant or failed to make a purchase due to poor service?According to Vanessa Funches, professor at Auburn University at Montgomery, 78% of us have bailed on a transaction due to poor service.So how do we make sure our customers aren’t...
Three C's of Messaging
Does your business have a message? Do you want people to identify you with specific ideas, products or services?Implementing the "Three C’s" drives those messages home with your customers. You need to be consistent in your message. Completely communicate your message....
Do you need a brand refresh?
A brand is something that exists in persons head. It is the essence of who your company is. Brands are a perception that must be carried over into all aspects of what you put in front of the customer. You are the gate keeper of your brand. If you do something...
It's Greek to me! Otherwise known as…sorority recruitment time.
I have the privilege of serving as an advisor for my local chapter of Alpha Delat Pi Sorority. And right now, we're gearing up for recruitment. (Or for you older readers - RUSH.)You might wonder that this has to do with telling your story. But recruitment is all about...
Writing another persons story – secrets of speech writing
3 speech writing tips
Developing your creativity
Creativity isn’t just something you are born with. You can develop creative confidence by creating a set of habits based on what you know about yourself.
Hook 'em with a headline
How do you get them to read your work? With a great hook! Good headlines get your attention and lead the reading into the story.
Making your story matter to people who aren't like you
There is more diversity today than ever before. And I’m not just talking about race. Diversity includes everything from religion, political views, age, values, and lifestyle.So with so many differences how do you make your story matter?
Real stories aren't written; they are told like you'd tell your best friend
One of the best things you can do, is write as you speak. But, only when you speak well.
Polish your prose
I’ve come up with my top 10 list for saying what I need to say the best way!