by chellie | Mar 9, 2021 | Career
The ability to concentrate and focus is at an all-time low. The distractions of the world are growing stronger each day. It’s too easy to entertain ourselves for an extended period. The ability to ignore distractions is a skill that takes time to develop. However,...
by chellie | Mar 2, 2021 | Career, Corporate Culture, personal growth, workplace
First impressions last a lifetime. When starting a new job, you want to ensure your first impression is a positive one. Here are some tips for hitting it off with your new supervisor and colleagues and getting your workspace ready for business. Making a Good...
by chellie | Feb 23, 2021 | Career, personal growth
Going back to school as an adult is a big decision full of challenges and rewards. You’ll need to find a program that’s hospitable to adult learners that balances your new coursework with your current family and career obligations. With the right planning,...
by chellie | Feb 4, 2021 | Book, Branding, Career, empowering women, motivation, networking, personal growth, satisfaction, success, workplace
It’s time to add a little celebration and gratitude into life. I’d love for you to join me for a Virtual Galentine’s Book Launch! Grab your best gal friends (guys welcome too!) and let’s celebrate finding ways to add more joy and happiness into...
by chellie | Jan 25, 2021 | Career, Communications, Corporate Culture, leadership, personal growth, stress
Managing workplace gossip is important for organizations and for the employees who work there. Here are some important steps you can take as a team and as an individual to encourage communications that benefit your emotional health and career. Dealing With Gossip as a...
by chellie | Jan 12, 2021 | Career, Corporate Culture, Employee engagement, leadership, professionalism
Have you ever struggled to “click” with your co-workers? Whether you see the differences as a matter of age, stage in life, or philosophy, those gaps surely make it more of a challenge to work together to achieve a common goal. Of course, it’s important to be...