by chellie | Jun 25, 2020 | Career, Community Building, leadership, personal growth, professionalism, stress
It’s easy for competitive pressure and heavy workloads at the office to build up and cause tension. The good news is that providing emotional and social support is a skill that gets better with practice and will make you stand out in the eyes of decision makers....
by chellie | May 27, 2020 | Branding, Business, Career, empowering women, job, job search, leadership, networking, personal growth
Today, respect is often seen as an afterthought. It appears millions of college-educated professionals treat the cast of “Keeping Up With the Kardasheans” or “The Real Housewives of (choose your favorite city)” as their role models for...
by chellie | May 21, 2020 | Career, Corporate Culture, Employee engagement, empowering women, job search, leadership, personal growth, satisfaction, success
Criticism never feels good. It’s easy to become defensive and not hear what is being said. Criticism at work can stimulate professional and personal growth if you know how to deal with it effectively. Here are some guidelines for adopting a positive mindset and...
by chellie | May 19, 2020 | Branding, Career, job search, leadership, personal growth, success
You landed a great entry level position and you’ve been working hard. You’ve received several solid, positive reviews. You feel like you are headed in the right direction. How can you make sure your supervisor notices your performance, so the next promotion can...
by chellie | Mar 31, 2020 | Branding, Business, Career, Corporate Culture, Employee engagement, leadership
I write a lot about career branding and navigating career change. One thing I’ve heard over and over from people when they choose to leave, is they leave environments where they feel unappreciated or invisible. They leave bosses who don’t invest in them....
by CPhillips | Jun 20, 2019 | Business, empowering women, entrepreneurship, leadership, motivation, personal growth
I am what I am today because of what I believed about myself yesterday; and I’ll be tomorrow what I believe about myself right now. I’ve searched and can’t find who to attribute that quote to, but it’s one I wrote out on an index card and keep where I see it often. As...