by chellie | Feb 9, 2021 | motivation, personal growth, professionalism, satisfaction, success, Uncategorized
Well today’s the day. It’s another “speed limit” birthday! In my mind, there’s no way I’m turning 50, but, according to the calendar, it’s true. So to celebrate, I thought it only appropriate to share 50 thoughts on my 50th....
by chellie | Feb 4, 2021 | Book, Branding, Career, empowering women, motivation, networking, personal growth, satisfaction, success, workplace
It’s time to add a little celebration and gratitude into life. I’d love for you to join me for a Virtual Galentine’s Book Launch! Grab your best gal friends (guys welcome too!) and let’s celebrate finding ways to add more joy and happiness into...
by chellie | Jan 25, 2021 | Career, Communications, Corporate Culture, leadership, personal growth, stress
Managing workplace gossip is important for organizations and for the employees who work there. Here are some important steps you can take as a team and as an individual to encourage communications that benefit your emotional health and career. Dealing With Gossip as a...
by chellie | Jan 5, 2021 | Career, job search, personal growth
Online courses have gained credibility and these credentials are becoming a valuable tool in your job search. Their popularity is already obvious. In less than two years, two of the largest providers of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have garnered more than 7...
by chellie | Jan 1, 2021 | Career, personal growth, success
It’s the first day of 2021! Everyone is busy making their New Year’s resolutions. You know…those promises we make to ourselves.. like go to the gym…eat better…read more….the ones we drop like a hot potato after a couple of weeks? This year set some career...
by chellie | Dec 29, 2020 | Career, Communications, Employee engagement, leadership, personal growth
What’s your goal for achievement on a professional level? Is it a promotion to a high level manager, vice-president, or even CEO? Getting selected for that dream position would completely make your day, wouldn’t it? How can you put yourself into a position to be...