
Pertinent Info You Can Use

Right Now

Managing Time to Achieve Success

Did you know learning to manage your time can lead to more success? Living in our fast-paced, never-stopping world can be overwhelming. Your job is busier than ever, your kids are involved in several after-school activities, and you’re busy keeping up with everything else around the house. Yet, you long to do other things that require a time commitment. Will you ever be able to juggle everything and still do the things you enjoy? Institute these changes today so you can achieve the success you crave:.

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5 Things I’m Thankful For in 2020

2020 has shown me how to live in the moment. I refused to live in fear and hide in my house. I’m also still going to visit wonderful places, eat good food, enjoy the company of friends, go to work, celebrate birthdays and holidays and refuse to let fear of what if stop me from living my best life at the moment.

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Strategies for Managing Friendships at Work

When you consider the amount of time you spend with your work colleagues, it’s natural that many of your deepest friendships may develop there.Office friendships make your work hours more pleasant and productive as long as you address the built in complexities of money and power. Try these strategies for balancing the personal and professional aspects.

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10 Tips to Successfully Change Careers

Few things will change your life more than a change of career. It’s worth the effort to find a job that you love. After all, you spend 40-plus hours each week doing it. Take the time to make a wise decision and then put a plan in place. It might be the beginning of a new adventure.

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3 Tips for Military Spouses Struggling to Find Work

91% of military spouses say being a military spouse has had a negative impact on their career causing them to struggle to find work. That doesn’t mean you can’t find career success even if your spouse is currently active duty. Your lifestyle can actually be a benefit in the job market if you know how to use it to your advantage.

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How a Job Search and Fruit Loops Launched a revolution

You’re probably asking how do Fruit Loops and a job search add up to anything. Well, those fruity colorful circles helped launch an internal revolution in me. They were a catalyst that spurred me to make changes and in the process, realize other people needed to know what I learned on the journey.

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Here’s a LinkedIn treat for halloween!

It’s almost Halloween and here at Successfully Ever After, we felt like getting in the spirit with our own version of Trick or Treat! Since 2020 has been scary enough, we decided TREATS were the way to go. So we’re offering our “Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile” FREE this weekend – no strings attached.

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How to Make a Sudden Transition to Remote Work

If you’re new to remote work, you may feel nervous about making a sudden transition from your cubicle to your dining room table. However, a growing number of employees are thriving in these flexible arrangements, and you can learn from their example.

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Create an Elevator Pitch Employers Want to Hear

An elevator pitch is a short summary used to tell about a person or organization in a quick and concise way. This is an important asset for your job search. It’s an effective way of telling a potential employer who you are, how you can contribute, and what kind of position you’re seeking. Try out these suggestions for preparing and presenting your introduction.

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At a Professional Crossroads? How to Choose the Path That’s Right for You

Making a career choice and sticking to it is not as easy as it sounds, especially in today’s economic climate. It can be nerve-wracking to go through the process of choosing a path, especially when you’re not sure if it’ll take you to a long-lived career. So how do you know which path to take? How can you be sure that going in a certain direction is the absolute best thing to do?

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Apply Dating wisdom to your job search

Dating and job hunting have a lot in common. Much of what you learned while looking for love can come in handy when you’re trying to find employment. Having found your life mate isn’t necessary to put your knowledge to use, either. Even having dated just a little will be helpful.
Try these strategies borrowed from the dating world to prep for job interviews, ace them, and then breeze through the follow-up stages.

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What To Do When You Hate Your Job

If you’re like many people, you may be unhappy or dissatisfied with your job. Eventually, you may find a job that you love, but what do you do in the mean time? How can you do your work and do it well if you’re lacking motivation and fulfillment?
You may often hear about people quitting a job they they’re unhappy with before they have another position. Sometimes this works, but it’s a risky move. In our current economy, this is especially perilous. So, in most cases, it’s best to tough it out until you can find something better.

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Make the Most of a Career Fair

A career fair is a valuable opportunity to network and introduce yourself to employers. Keep using the usual online tools but add these events to the mix to make your job search as rewarding as possible

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Discover Your Strengths And Find the Right Career for You

To have a career that really fits you, you must first understand your strengths. We’re not talking about knowledge or skills; those are things you’ve learned and developed. Think of strengths as natural attributes that give you a significant advantage over the average person.

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Finding Purpose at Your Job

Do you dread each time the alarm sounds? Does your work fail to ignite passion in your heart? Believe it or not, your employment can provide both the income you need and the fulfillment you crave!

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How to Ace an Internal Interview Like a Pro

Pursuing internal openings is smart way to advance your career. Applying for a new position at a company where you already work poses unique advantages and disadvantages. The biggest mistake people make is to shortchange the process. To be successful, it’s important to position yourself just as competitively as any candidate from outside the company.

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Have You Forgotten The Meaning of Labor Day?

As we all enjoy a day away from the office, I urge you to use it as intended. Celebrate your professional achievements and step away from the pressure to answer every ding or notification immediately. You’ll enjoy your day more and feel better prepared to tackle the work week when you go back on Tuesday!

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Advance Your Career By Raising Your Visibility Outside the Office

As much as you may like your coworkers, advancing your career usually depends on your ability to earn recognition outside the office. Your next job offer or major client is likely to come from someone who doesn’t work by your side each day. Regardless of your position, you can gain people’s attention. Try these techniques for promoting your career while helping others online and off.

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8 Easy Ways to Boost Your Career

You can make great strides in your career without spending long days and nights at the office. Becoming promotable and advancing your career is the result of several small strategies.

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How to Work With Difficult People

We all have coworkers whom we’d rather not work with. Unfortunately, we don’t tend to have any control over who works with us. Instead of wasting your time and energy stressing over those annoying people in your life, just get the job done while keeping problems to a minimum. Focusing on your own job, along with carrying out the actions mentioned above, will save you your sanity in the long run!

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How to Succeed at Group Projects at Work

By working successfully as a team, you can accomplish more than you could individually. You can also improve your career prospects. Here are some of the major benefits of teamwork and some strategies for success:

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Job Skills Assessment

If you’re looking for a job for the first time or you’d like to switch careers, you may be wondering where your talents lie. The best way to determine a job worth pursuing is by doing a job skills assessment.

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Searching for a job can be really tough

It doesn’t matter if you’re currently looking just for a side hustle, you’ve been without a job for some time, or you are thinking about changing your career – these books will add an AMAZING value to your process, and give you the upper hand in any job-related search or interview.

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