by chellie | Sep 10, 2020 | Branding, Career, Employee engagement, interviews, job search, leadership, personal growth, workplace
Applying for a new position at a company where you already work poses unique advantages and disadvantages. The biggest mistake people make is to shortchange the process. To be successful, it’s important to position yourself just as competitively as any candidate from...
by chellie | Sep 8, 2020 | Career, job search
Job hunting is challenging these days. Employers get flooded with applications for every opening and may spend as little as ten seconds screening each résumé. Here are some suggestions that can help your resume stand out from the crowd and ensure that you get called...
by cfcadmin | Sep 7, 2020 | Business, Career, Corporate Culture, job search, leadership, satisfaction, success, time management
Today we’re enjoying a holiday dedicated to the social and economic achievements of the American workers. It began as a national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. Labor Day evolved because...
by chellie | Sep 3, 2020 | Business, Career, Corporate, Employee engagement, job, job search, professionalism, success
As far as the workplace is concerned, times are certainly changing. You’re no longer confined to a dedicated workspace with specific duties. The employees who are treasured are the ones who contribute the most to the organization.With less jobs available these...
by chellie | Sep 1, 2020 | Career, entrepreneurship, marketing
Lemonade stands have been teaching kids about how to run a business for generations. Remember the old Peanuts cartoon where Lucy dispenses advice instead of drinks for five cents, and then Snoopy undercuts her for two cents? Even if your neighborhood was less...
by chellie | Aug 20, 2020 | Branding, Career, job, job search
Social media is all the rage. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and more seem to be everywhere. In social media like these, we get constant updates about the relevant and not-so-relevant aspects of everyone’s lives. Here, we’ll consider a practical...