by chellie | Dec 24, 2020 | Career, empowering women, motivation, personal growth, success
I don’t want a lot for ChristmasThere is just one thing I needI don’t care about the presentsUnderneath the Christmas tree (Admit it, you’re signing along in your head, right??) All I want for Christmas is for you… to find a way to embrace your creative...
by chellie | Dec 17, 2020 | Career, networking, personal growth, professionalism, satisfaction, success
If you’re like many of us, your work and social life overlap. Soon after you accept a new job offer, you realize the transition is going to affect your personal relationships as well as your professional activities. Consider these steps to take before and after you...
by chellie | Dec 15, 2020 | Career, leadership, personal growth, satisfaction
If you desire to live the life of your dreams, it’s necessary to concentrate on what you want and keep working toward it. You may experience periods of time when you lose focus and it becomes challenging to keep pursuing your goals and dreams. Is it a constant...
by chellie | Dec 2, 2020 | Communications, Corporate Culture, Employee engagement, empowering women, leadership, personal growth
If you don’t know, my 8 to 5 job is in the utility industry, and I’m part of a unique community called Women In Power. Over the last few days, we’ve had interesting discussions over being female in a male dominated industry, but the topic that has really stood out to...
by chellie | Dec 1, 2020 | empowering women, personal growth, professionalism, satisfaction, time management
Did you know learning to manage your time can lead to more success? Living in our fast-paced, never-stopping world can be overwhelming. Your job is busier than ever, your kids are involved in several after-school activities, and you’re busy keeping up with everything...
by chellie | Nov 26, 2020 | Branding, Business, Career, Grow Your Business, job search, motivation, networking, personal growth
When you think 2020, does this sound familiar? “Is it over yet?” “It’s groundhog day – the same day over and over.” “I hate masks.” “I love working from home.” “I hate working from home.”...