by chellie | Oct 6, 2020 | Career, Communications, Employee engagement, networking, personal growth
There are many advantages to working at home, but there’s at least one drawback. Telecommuters are 50% less likely to get promoted, according to a Stanford University study. Other research suggests that this is due to the assumptions your colleagues make when they...
by chellie | Sep 22, 2020 | Career, job, job search, personal growth
To have a career that really fits you, you must first understand your strengths. We’re not talking about knowledge or skills; those are things you’ve learned and developed. Think of strengths as natural attributes that give you a significant advantage over...
by chellie | Sep 17, 2020 | Branding, Business, Career, job search, networking, personal growth, satisfaction
Changing careers can feel a bit intimidating at any age. That’s especially true when you’re considering making a major transition late in life. Then again, recent trends suggest that your chances for success may be greater than you think. A survey by the...
by chellie | Sep 10, 2020 | Branding, Career, Employee engagement, interviews, job search, leadership, personal growth, workplace
Applying for a new position at a company where you already work poses unique advantages and disadvantages. The biggest mistake people make is to shortchange the process. To be successful, it’s important to position yourself just as competitively as any candidate from...
by chellie | Aug 18, 2020 | Business, Career, Community Building, Corporate Culture, empowering women, job, job search, leadership, networking, personal growth, professionalism, success, workplace
As much as you may like your coworkers, advancing your career usually depends on your ability to earn recognition outside the office. Your next job offer or major client is likely to come from someone who doesn’t work by your side each day. Regardless of your...
by chellie | Aug 4, 2020 | Career, job search, personal growth, satisfaction
Do you work in a career that doesn’t satisfy you? It’s easy to feel stuck because your job is providing you with security. It’s a scary thing to leave that security for the pursuit of your passion! At the same time, there are steps you can take today...