by chellie | May 27, 2020 | Branding, Business, Career, empowering women, job, job search, leadership, networking, personal growth
Today, respect is often seen as an afterthought. It appears millions of college-educated professionals treat the cast of “Keeping Up With the Kardasheans” or “The Real Housewives of (choose your favorite city)” as their role models for...
by chellie | May 21, 2020 | Career, Corporate Culture, Employee engagement, empowering women, job search, leadership, personal growth, satisfaction, success
Criticism never feels good. It’s easy to become defensive and not hear what is being said. Criticism at work can stimulate professional and personal growth if you know how to deal with it effectively. Here are some guidelines for adopting a positive mindset and...
by chellie | May 19, 2020 | Branding, Career, job search, leadership, personal growth, success
You landed a great entry level position and you’ve been working hard. You’ve received several solid, positive reviews. You feel like you are headed in the right direction. How can you make sure your supervisor notices your performance, so the next promotion can...
by chellie | Apr 30, 2020 | Branding, Career, Corporate Culture, job search, personal growth
Over a third of the population labels themselves introverts. Many people associate introverted with shy, but that’s not really the case. In fact, it has more to do with the way you choose to deal with stimulus than being talkative or not. Introverts thrive and are...
by chellie | Apr 28, 2020 | Career, COVID-19, job, job search, personal growth, work from home
The COVID-19 outbreak has caused major changes in the work life of millions. From layoffs to telecommuting, everyone is facing challenges. The silver lining is you can use this time to prepare for a job search or to advance your career once things return to normal....
by chellie | Apr 9, 2020 | Branding, Career, job, personal growth, professionalism
You may feel like you’re on a merry-go-round you can’t get off while you’re in the middle of your job search. You apply for dozens of jobs and never here a peep. You can’t seem to get the recruiter to answer an email or if they do, you can’t seem to get straight...