by chellie | Apr 26, 2024 | Business, Corporate Culture, leadership
In the latest episode of “What’s Your Story,” I had the pleasure of diving into the world of creating thriving workplace cultures with host Judi Moreo. My journey into the heart of corporate culture is detailed in my latest book, “Culture...
by chellie | Apr 8, 2024 | Business, Corporate Culture, leadership
As the world prepares to witness today’s awe-inspiring eclipse, I think it’s a perfect time to remind workplace leaders to leverage such moments (and every other day) to inspire change and innovation within their organizations. Drawing insights from my...
by chellie | Sep 27, 2023 | Business, Corporate Culture, Employee engagement
Making yourself more valuable to your employer leads to a more successful career. More opportunities open up when you have an impressive resume and a reputation for being a team player. You’re likely to enjoy more job satisfaction too. A productive workday is bound to...
by chellie | Jan 11, 2023 | Business, Career Branding
This is the third post in my series on how using journaling can lead you to massive professional growth. If you missed the first two, here’s a link to get you started. Journaling can be a powerful weapon in your get-it-done arsenal, and it’s easy to do. You can...
by chellie | Dec 22, 2022 | Business, Communications, Corporate Culture, Employee engagement
The ability to communicate allows you to share your vision, or ideas with rest of the world. Most often this will be accomplished either verbally or written. A lot goes into being a capable communicator, but if you can effectively convey your messages, then you have...
by chellie | Nov 26, 2020 | Branding, Business, Career, Grow Your Business, job search, motivation, networking, personal growth
When you think 2020, does this sound familiar? “Is it over yet?” “It’s groundhog day – the same day over and over.” “I hate masks.” “I love working from home.” “I hate working from home.”...