by chellie | Dec 15, 2020 | Career, leadership, personal growth, satisfaction
If you desire to live the life of your dreams, it’s necessary to concentrate on what you want and keep working toward it. You may experience periods of time when you lose focus and it becomes challenging to keep pursuing your goals and dreams. Is it a constant...
by chellie | Dec 10, 2020 | Career, interviews, job search
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the average worker changes careers three to five times during their lifetime. In this tight economy, this move may be a choice or it may become a necessity. Here are four simple steps for getting off on the right foot with...
by chellie | Dec 3, 2020 | Career, Communications, Corporate Culture, Employee engagement, leadership, professionalism, success
Good communication allows many life situations to run smoothly. However, there are certain relationships that deserve extra attention, such as the relationship you have with your boss. You and your boss have drastically different roles, and when each of you fulfills...
by chellie | Nov 26, 2020 | Branding, Business, Career, Grow Your Business, job search, motivation, networking, personal growth
When you think 2020, does this sound familiar? “Is it over yet?” “It’s groundhog day – the same day over and over.” “I hate masks.” “I love working from home.” “I hate working from home.”...
by chellie | Nov 24, 2020 | Career, job, job search, personal growth
Do you often feel nervous about your annual employee performance review? Even the thought of it can make your heart beat faster as uneasy feelings well up inside you! The good news is there are steps you can take to prepare for a more relaxed and constructive exchange...
by chellie | Nov 19, 2020 | Career, job, personal growth, workplace
When you consider the amount of time you spend with your work colleagues, it’s natural that many of your deepest friendships may develop there.Office friendships make your work hours more pleasant and productive as long as you address the built in complexities...