by chellie | Dec 21, 2022 | Corporate Culture, Employee engagement, leadership, Uncategorized
For workplaces to attract and retain great employees, there needs to be leaders who have a vivid vision of the type of environment they want to create and how they can implement change that leads to a workplace where employees feel valued and the company thrives. One...
by chellie | Dec 15, 2022 | Corporate Culture, Employee engagement, leadership
Leadership. We hear this word tossed around on a near-daily basis. From childhood, the ideas and concepts of leadership engulf us. When we were toddlers, we looked up to our parents. When we were school children, we followed our teachers. We have all had managers and...
by chellie | Dec 14, 2022 | Corporate Culture, Employee engagement, stress, Uncategorized
When your workday is done, do you still carry much of the stress of your work with you into your off-work hours? Whether you work at home or go to an office, it’s important for there to be a separation between your work and personal life. Without a clear gap, you will...
by chellie | Apr 12, 2022 | Corporate Culture, Employee engagement, job
Given the rise in temporary and contingent work in recent years, many people are trying to find job satisfaction and develop career prospects in these new arrangements. How can you get up to speed quickly and collaborate with the permanent staff members who already...
by chellie | Mar 31, 2022 | Corporate Culture, Employee engagement
Corporate culture plays a major role in job satisfaction and security. Fortunately, you can have a powerful impact on your workplace whether you’re a senior manager or a summer intern. Try these suggestions to create an environment where everyone can feel valued and...
by chellie | Aug 5, 2021 | Branding, Career, Career Branding, Employee engagement, personal branding, success, Women in the Workplace
Whatever your job description says, staying in the loop is a primary responsibility. You need information and knowledge to do your work effectively. However, there are many reasons why you might wind up on the sidelines. While your employee manual probably tells you...