I'm looking forward to our time together. In order to get us off on the right path, I would like to ask you to do something. Before you can build a...

I'm looking forward to our time together. In order to get us off on the right path, I would like to ask you to do something. Before you can build a...
Hi! I'm Chellie and I've got a passion for helping people find career success. I've spent years hiring and training employees, as well as mentoring...
In just 30 days, you’ll learn: How to build on online profile designed to capture the attention of hiring managers and recruiters. How a brand audit...
First, let’s look at brands in general – Nike – what comes to mind? “Just Do it” – that’s not a product at all right? It was about creating an...
It’s all about Soul Searching today. You started part of this by taking the assessments so now we want to build on that as we move forward. Making a...
Today we’re starting to take a close look at your personal brand. Just like Nike or Reese, we want people to begin building a mental picture of you...
Today’s information includes an e-book you’ll use to determine what your brand currently looks like and what we need to do to make your career brand...
Yesterday, we talked about why it was important. Over 70% of hiring professionals admit to using social media and other online resources to check...
Whether you're an Instagram influencer or a YouTube personality or not, you still have a digital brand. And like it or not, what people can find...
Your 2nd Workbook is attached to this lesson. Don't forget to download it. Now, we’ll start building your online brand. But first, I want to make...