1. Welcome to the Course

I’m looking forward to our time together. In order to get us off on the right path, I would like to ask you to do something. Before you can build a brand, you need clarity about the job you want and the skills you need to portray so someone will think of you as the ideal candidate.

I’d like to ask you to complete at least a couple of these free assessments so that I can give you the best help possible. Since you are entering the workforce, considering a career change or you’re re-entering the workforce after some time off, understanding your strengths and interests can help make the job search process smoother and land you in a position you enjoy.

I’m attaching information for 5 assessments I like (all have FREE versions) I think give you a good sense of where you should be headed and how you should market yourself.

MyPlan.com — 

This assessment helps you identify what matters to you in a career and the results can encourage you to look at jobs or industries you may not have considered before. You can walk away with a list of over 700 jobs in rank-order on how well they suit your style.

16personalities – 

This assessment divides people into 16 personality types and helps use them to identify learning styles and work preferences. It will take you less than 12 minutes to finish this one.

My Next Move 

This profile can help you find out what your interests are and how they relate to the world of work. It can also help you decide what kinds of careers you should explore. Unlike the other tests, this one asks you how to rate how much you’d enjoy performing very specific work tasks like “building kitchen cabinets,” “laying brick” and “buying and selling stocks and bonds.” Hang in there, this one is 60 questions.

Holland Code Career Test

10-minute career test will show you which jobs suit your interest, talents and aptitude.

The MAPP Career Assessment 

You get a lot of information to help you find the right career that matches your unique assessment profile. After you take the assessment, it matches you against over 1,000 possible careers in their database.

I’d urge you to take all of these. If you did all 5 in one setting it will take you about an hour. However, I suggest you take them over the course of a couple of days. This way you’re not answering something one way, because you just answered a similar question on another profile. Save your results so you can refer to them as we map our you next career branding moves. The better understanding you have, the higher the chance of finding a career that not only brings your success, but will also be one you enjoy doing day after day.

I’ve also included a worksheet where you can record the phrases that you see repeated. That’s a great clue these are some of your strengths and personality types. Just make a list and keep it handy as we move through the program.

 Please feel free to email whenever you have questions or need clarifications.

Again, congrats on making the decision to invest in yourself. I look forward to working with you as we find your Successfully Ever After.

Downloads: Creating a Personal Brand  |  Words Used to Describe Me or My Dream Job