
Pertinent Info You Can Use

Right Now

Searching for a job can be really tough

It doesn’t matter if you’re currently looking just for a side hustle, you’ve been without a job for some time, or you are thinking about changing your career – these books will add an AMAZING value to your process, and give you the upper hand in any job-related search or interview.

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Gaining Respect In the Workplace

Throughout your career, it will be important to not only demonstrate respect for others in the office or your profession; but to also earn respect from the people you interact with every day. Becoming respected in the workforce will not only improve your working relationships, it can also help you as you pursue promotion.

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3 Things Not To Say In An Interview

Interviews can be intimidating and the pressure that comes from sitting across from a stranger can make you say things you shouldn’t. Here are 3 things to avoid saying in your interview.

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4 Ways to Get Noticed at Work

You landed a great entry level position and you’ve been working hard. You’ve received several solid, positive reviews. You feel like you are headed in the right direction. How can you make sure your supervisor notices your performance, so the next promotion can be yours?

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Simple and quick job hunting tips

Looking for a job can be a stressful time in your life, but with proper planning, you can prepare yourself to land a job as quickly as possible. It doesn’t really matter what field you’re in, there are universal traits you can develop to make you look attractive to your future employer.

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Pick your career path wisely

Would you believe we spend over 25% of our adult life at work and that 80% of people say they hate their job? That means 4 out of 5 people wake up every day dreading to get up and go to work. It’s sad to think the average adult will spend a huge chunk of their life being miserable. Picking your career wisely is vital.

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Are You Ready When The Job Market Opens?

We don’t have a crystal ball, and we can’t predict the future. However, certain job categories have proven to be better bets in hard times than others. Once the pandemic is over, and the economy starts moving, what career fields are good bets for employment?

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5 tips for new grads starting their job search during the COVID-19 Crisis

No one can say just how long the economic downturn will last or exactly how large the impact will be on this graduating class. The key is focusing on what you can control, not what you can’t. Using this time productively will set you apart and you’ll appear more professional and confident than those who waste it on the couch. Here’s 5 tips for recent grads job searching now.

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Silver Lining in Quarantine For Job Seekers

The COVID-19 outbreak has caused major changes in the work life of millions. From layoffs to telecommuting, everyone is facing challenges. The silver lining is you can use this time to prepare for a job search or to advance your career once things return to normal.

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self-care during uncertain times and job markets

One thing is certain, during a crisis or just a stressful time, self-care is a must. Things in life don’t always go as we plan. No one likes it. How we cope when life gets turned upside down is very important. If you take the time to check in with yourself, you can maintain your strength, build your belief and cultivate a mindset for success even during trying times.

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make the recruiters job easier

You may feel like you’re on a merry-go-round you can’t get off while you’re in the middle of your job search. You apply for dozens of jobs and never here a peep. You can’t seem to get the recruiter to answer an email or if they do, you can’t seem to get straight answer.

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Laid off due to covid-19?

What should you do if you are laid off? Don’t panic. First, if you’ve been laid off or have had your hours greatly reduced, you should immediately file for unemployment.

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Keep networking even when self-isolating

Growing your professional network could be more important to your job search than creating a captivating cover letter or online profile. A vibrant, engaged network can open the door to opportunities and land you in the interview seat of your new job. The ongoing chaos caused by COVID-19 doesn’t change that.

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How does the Coronavirus effect your job search?

Thanks to social distancing practices in place to help slow the spread of COVID-19, more and more companies are looking at ways to limit face-to-face contact – both in the workplace and in the hiring process. This means more recruiters and HR managers are moving their job searches online. This means your online presence will be even more important.

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Loans due? No job? What’s a college grad to do?

You’ve sacrificed and spent a small fortune to see your child walk across a stage, shake hands with a university official and receive their prized degree. Now it’s time to sit back and enjoy watching them take on the world as an adult. Maybe you have plans of your own...

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Is your graduate one of the 27%?

According to an article in the Washington Post, only 27% of college grads leave school with a job related to their major. That means 73% of graduates are underemployed, if they found a job at all. After spending years grinding through their studies, many come face to...

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Use the long Labor Day weekend to outshine other job searchers

If you want more out of your work life, this weekend is the perfect time to take action. While everyone is bingeing Netflix, or overindulging at neighborhood BBQ’s, you can be on the way to finding a career that improves your financial situation and offers you a chance to use your skills and talents.

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It’s time!

Job searching in today’s digital age isn’t the same as it was even 5 years ago. I’m excited to share what I’ve learned so you can find your Successfully Ever After too.

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What do you believe?

I fear most people don’t believe big enough. You need that big dream to stretch and grow you. You need failures to learn from. You need hurts to learn how not to treat people along the way.

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Imperfection makes us shine

For so many, the feeling they have to put on the perfect face for the world has to be a heavy burden to carry every day. So many career women feel they have to have everything together if they want to succeed, impact, and inspire others. The opposite is really true.

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Use Your Fear To Move Forward

After 21 years with a company I loved, I walked away because I knew there was more. I was tired of feeling misunderstood and unappreciated. I was afraid I’d get used to that feeling and settle.

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6 ways you can make International Women's Day, everyday

I believe it’s vital for women to pay it forward and be supportive of each other and the work (both professional and personally) each other does. We need to share what we learn along the path and not hold it tight. We need to light the path for those younger women beginning their climb, so their voices and ideas can shine. Remember, we don’t have to be perfect at what we do. We just have to be perfectly us doing it.

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Use your fear to move forward

If we turned our fears into a catalyst propelling us forward what would that look or sound like? How can you take your fear and use it as positive fuel? I’ll give you a very personal example. After 21 years with a company I loved, I walked away because I knew there was more. I was tired of feeling misunderstood and unappreciated. I was afraid I’d get used to that feeling and settle.

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Imperfections make us shine

Our scars and baggage show the world we have made it this far on the journey. We’ve coped with the sadness, disappointments, and failures and still managed to find moments to celebrate and grow along the way.

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It's Gal-entine's Day!

It’s time to set jealousy and competition aside and celebrate the accomplishments of each of us. We need to share the lessons we’ve learned along the way so others realize their struggles are not in vain. We need to celebrate what makes each of us unique and special.

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Marie Kondo's method isn't the only one for adding JOY

Recognizing the things that bring more joy into our life sounds simple, but what I’ve learned over the years is many people have a hard time using that as a gauge to determine whether to keep things in their schedule or not. If you’ll start implementing that thought process more and more in your decision making, I think you’ll find it to be a very eye opening process.

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Life Edits Learned from Fixer Upper and Rehab Addict

Over the holidays I took some time off work and indulged in what my husband calls “girl TV.” I love me some HGTV and DIY. I can watch hours and hours of Fixer Upper with Chip and Joanna Gains or Rehab Addict with Nicole Curtis. I never get tired of seeing how they turn some of the most run down homes into beautiful homes.
It dawned on me while I was watching what they do to those dilapidated and outdated homes how many similarities there are to how my Life Edits work in life.

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Launch Day!

The fear of the unknown or failing is real. I think it’s the thing that stops people the most. I think there’s a real fear not only of failure, but of “what if it succeeds” too. What are the expectations people will have of me going forward?

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Life Edits Learned from Santa Claus

It struck me, in addition to the real reason for the season, Santa really is a master Life Editor. If we follow his lead, we can keep Christmas alive all year long and be on our our way to a great 2019.

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Grateful for the yes

I’m especially grateful for saying yes to a dream and being able to share that process with so many people who have such special places in my life. What I’ve realized is where you are right at this moment is a result of what you’ve said yes to throughout your life.

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Answering your calling

Is there something you feel deep inside you know you need to do? Is there something every time you think about it makes you a little bit nervous and a lot excited? I know there is. We all have one. It’s your calling.

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Alone we can do so little….

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
Never has that been more evident than over the last couple of weeks. I’ve had the privilege to work alongside a group of dedicated men and women who have been working tirelessly to restore power in an area hard hit by Hurricane Michael

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Think like a man — or not!

While there are still barriers and misconceptions in the workforce, I feel blessed to live in a time where women are only limited by their personal desire to excel. It’s true there are still times we need to push the barrier and make sure our voices are heard, it’s how you do that, that seems to be the question.

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