by CPhillips | Jun 20, 2019 | Business, Career, empowering women, personal growth, success
Do you start each day doubting your outfit? Your hair? Your ability? Do you doubt yourself because you are less than perfect? Are you afraid to let others see that side of you? For so many, the feeling they have to put on the perfect face for the world has to be a...
by CPhillips | Jun 18, 2019 | Business, empowering women, entrepreneurship, personal growth, success
A communications newsletter article highlighting the benefits of using fear and accentuating the negative in developing campaigns really stopped and made me think. You might think it’s a totally backwards way of thinking, but after considering it, I think it has some...
by CPhillips | Mar 8, 2019 | Blogging, Branding, Business, Community Building, Corporate Culture, empowering women, entrepreneurship, leadership, motivation, personal growth, Social connectedness, success, writing
Today is International Women’s Day. Wait, before you click the “x” to close out this page, I promise you I’m not going on a feminist rant. Hear me out. This year’s theme #BalanceForBetter strikes a chord with me. It’s asking for all of us to stop and think about a few...
by CPhillips | Feb 28, 2019 | Blogging, Business, Communications, empowering women, entrepreneurship, personal growth, stress, success
A communications newsletter article highlighting the benefits of using fear and accentuating the negative in developing campaigns really stopped and made me think. You might think it’s a totally backwards way of thinking, but after considering it, I think it has some...
by CPhillips | Feb 21, 2019 | Blogging, Business, Community Building, empowering women, leadership, motivation, personal growth, satisfaction, success, writing
Do you start each day doubting your outfit? Your hair? Your ability? Do you doubt yourself because you are less than perfect? Are you afraid to let others see that side of you? For so many, the feeling they have to put on the perfect face for the world has to be a...
by CPhillips | Feb 20, 2019 | Communication Planning, Communications, Community Building, Employee engagement, empowering women, marketing, motivation, personal growth, satisfaction, social media
Chellie Phillips up against authors worldwide for prestigious 2019 Author Academy Award — ok so that’s so cool to see in writing. I’m not even going to pretend it’s not. I can’t thank each of you who have supported my efforts with...