Pertinent Info You Can UseRight Now
5 Behaviors of Successful People
Successful people are not typically born with the habits and behaviors that help them get to where they want to be. Here’s 5 things successful people do.
Scoring Big: Creating a Culture of Champions in Your Organization
Transform your organization’s culture using winning strategies from the world of football. Explore the playbook for leadership success in this engaging read and unlock the secrets of building a championship team in your workplace.
How to Be a Better Communicator
Becoming a better communicator doesn’t happen overnight. But if you keep practicing and tweaking your skills, you’ll be surprised at what you can accomplish.
Culture Should Reflect Company Values
What does your company value? Successful companies make an intentional effort to create a culture that supports their key values.
Who Wants to Feel More Engaged at Work?
Not only is employee engagement a factor in business success, it’s also associated with less stress and higher morale in the workplace.
Top 4 Reasons Why You Should Aspire to Inspire Others
What if you could inspire someone else, and indeed make a difference in their lives?
It’s a powerful thought.
Vision and Culture
Developing a strong vision that aligns with the culture you want to create is critical for success as a leader. A vision is a picture of the future you want to create for your organization. It is a guiding light that inspires and motivates your team to work towards a common goal.
Culture fix for supply chain issues
Culture is what causes things to get done inside an organization. Culture can both hinder and improve your supply chain.
Difference Between Mission and Vision
Both mission and vision are important for a company to have, but when it comes to building a culture, it is the vision that leaders should focus on.
7 Thoughts on my 7th Blog-iversary
Today is my Blog-iversary! It’s been 7 years since my first post, and now, 440 posts later, I think the best is yet to come. In honor of today’s milestone, I’m celebrating by sharing 7 thoughts on my 7th Blog-iversary!
Trust is Key to Culture Success
Trust is a vital component of any successful team, and as a leader, it is essential to build and maintain trust with your team to build a successful culture.
Teambuilding Builds Culture
Team building is an important aspect of any successful organization. It can help improve communication, collaboration, and trust among team members, leading to increased productivity and a more positive work environment.
How Coaching Builds Culture
Coaching is a critical component of building a positive company culture. Effective coaching can help employees improve their performance, develop their skills, and feel valued and supported.
5 Questions Leaders Should Ask To Build A Positive Company Culture
As a leader, it’s important to prioritize building a positive and healthy company culture. Here are five questions you can ask to identify areas of culture concern at work.
A Coaching Leadership Style Builds Culture
A coaching style of leadership is effective in the workplace and will enhance the performance, productivity, and culture of your team.
5 Secrets to a High-Performing Workplace Culture
Creating a high-performance culture takes time and effort, but the rewards are worth it. A strong culture can drive employee engagement, productivity, and retention, as well as differentiate a company from its competitors.
Improve Office Morale with Gratitude and Teamwork
Teams composed of members who can’t put differences aside don’t win. Put simply: you won’t achieve the success you want if you aren’t focused on the common goal.
14 Surefire Ways You Can Enhance Your Company’s Culture
Try these 14 surefire ways you can enhance your company’s culture. You can have a powerful impact on the workplace no matter your job title and create an environment where everyone feels valued and appreciated.
Only 4 Days Until Culture Secrets is Available
In just 4 days, you can get your hands on a must-read book for business leaders.
Organizations rely heavily on the culture they cultivate to achieve their mission and goals. With Chellie Phillips’ new book, Culture Secrets: Secrets Leaders Use to Build a V.A.L.U.E Culture, leaders now have actionable advice at their disposal to transform their companies into thriving and engaging places for employees.
New Book Is Just Days Away
It is my great pleasure to share with you that I have written a new book called, Culture Secrets: Secrets Leaders Use to Build a V.A.L.U.E. Culture and we are getting ready to publish in just a matter of 2 weeks!
I think GALLUP missed the mark
Gallup recently said culture in the workplace is the biggest leadership issue of our time. That much we agree on. But….
Core Values Make A Difference In Company Culture
Let’s take a look at how smart companies have strong core values that show up in their company culture and how that is making a difference.
Great Culture Means Higher Job Satisfaction
Let’s explore how culture impacts job satisfaction and why it is important for organizations to create a positive and healthy culture.
Identifying Core Values Are Essential For Business Success
Identifying and developing core values is an essential step in creating a successful business. Core values are the guiding principles that define your company’s culture and shape its identity.
What Does Bad Culture Look Like?
We know what good workplace culture is, but what does bad culture look like? Company culture plays a critical role in the success of any organization.
Successful Culture Attributes
A company’s culture is one of its most defining features. It affects everything from employee morale and retention to customer satisfaction and profitability. Let’s explore what attributes makes cultures successful in the workplace.
Gratitude is key to great culture
Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions we can experience, and it is a key component in building a great culture within organizations, teams, and communities.
Great Leaders Build Strong Cultures
Great leaders build strong cultures. Leaders set the tone and their actions have significant impact on the culture of an organization.
14 Surefire Ways You Can Enhance Your Company’s Culture
Whatever your job title, you can have a positive influence and enhance the culture in your workplace or company
Top 4 Reasons Why You Should Aspire to Inspire Others
What if you were capable of taking your everyday work interactions deeper, to the level of something special? Unique. What if you could inspire someone else, and indeed make a difference in their lives?
Why Writing Down Your Goals Boosts Your Chances of Success
Did you know writing down your goals boosts your chances of career success? It’s all about mindset, and yes, there’s some science behind it as well too.
Journaling for Those Who Hate to Write
Journaling is a powerful tool you can use to help achieve professional growth even if you hate writing.
How Journaling Can Change your Life for the Better
Journaling can change your life and career for the better. Here’s why…
Journaling your Way to Massive Success
Journaling can be a powerful weapon in your get-it-done arsenal, and it’s easy to do. You can and should put all kinds of things in a professional goal journal, not just your thoughts and feelings on a given day. It’s the best way to move toward massive success.
Top Journaling Tips for Professional Growth
When you think journaling, if you think “Dear Diary,” you’re missing out on a great growth tool. Use these seven tips to see professional growth.
Keeping a career journal can help you get ahead at the office
Keeping a journal is one of the best ways you can reflect on your career.
Leaders must have vision
For workplaces to attract and retain great employees, there needs to be leaders who have a vivid vision of the type of environment they want to create and how they can implement change that leads to a workplace where employees feel valued and the company thrives.
Leadership…who’s demonstrating it in the workplace today?
What is it that separates good leaders from great leaders in the workplace? Check out this list of leadership qualities we should all aspire to have.
7 Ways to Leave Work Stress Behind
Whether you work at home or go to an office, it’s important for there to be a separation between your work and personal life. Here’s 7 ways to leave work stress behind.
6 Methods to Overcome Challenges at Work
Try these techniques to overcome challenges at work and attain the success you seek by using them to advance your career.
10 Signs You See on the Road to Success
Look for these signs on your road to success. When you encounter them, you’ll know you are closer to meeting your goal.
What Will You Do When You Need to Make a Big Career Decision?
Making big career decisions isn’t easy. Use these suggestions to build up your confidence for making big career moves.
7 Steps to Repairing Professional Relationships
Managing relationships is a critical part of building a personal brand in the workplace. Here’s seven tips to help you mend a damaged professional relationship.
Three Ways to Get the Most From Online Learning Activities
Learning online can be a great way to find out new things, gain insights, or set yourself up for a career change. Try these three tips to get the most from your online learning experience.
How to Become Amazing at Presentations
Learning how to become amazing at presentations is a great way to show your leadership abilities and build your personal brand.
A Beginner’s Guide to Conducting an Effective Training Session
Being asked to create a training session at work is a huge compliment. Use these tips to help beat the nerves and give a presentation that provides value and makes you look like a rock star to your boss.
How To Impress Your Boss in Just A Few Easy Steps
It’s possible to capture the attention of any business leaders and supervisors responsible for making a difference to your job. Here are some quick and simple steps you can take to improve your chances of having the right impression on your boss.
Personal Branding for Sales Professionals
If you are in sales, personal branding is a vital tool to use to position yourself for success. It can give you a competitive edge and distinguish you from your competition.
The Lies We Tell Ourselves
The nine lies below are common lies we tell ourselves. Sometimes they are harmless, but often they hold us back from reaching our goals. Read through to the end, for some action steps you can implement today to help overcome these roadblocks.
3 Fundamentals of Self-Kindness
In talking about the importance of kindness, it’s easy to forget that you have to start with being kind to yourself. How does it feel to hear that?