
Pertinent Info You Can Use

Right Now

Vision and Culture

Vision and Culture

Developing a strong vision that aligns with the culture you want to create is critical for success as a leader. A vision is a picture of the future you want to create for your organization. It is a guiding light that inspires and motivates your team to work towards a common goal.

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7 Thoughts on my 7th Blog-iversary

7 Thoughts on my 7th Blog-iversary

Today is my Blog-iversary! It’s been 7 years since my first post, and now, 440 posts later, I think the best is yet to come. In honor of today’s milestone, I’m celebrating by sharing 7 thoughts on my 7th Blog-iversary!

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Teambuilding Builds Culture

Teambuilding Builds Culture

Team building is an important aspect of any successful organization. It can help improve communication, collaboration, and trust among team members, leading to increased productivity and a more positive work environment.

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How Coaching Builds Culture

How Coaching Builds Culture

Coaching is a critical component of building a positive company culture. Effective coaching can help employees improve their performance, develop their skills, and feel valued and supported.

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Only 4 Days Until Culture Secrets is Available

Only 4 Days Until Culture Secrets is Available

In just 4 days, you can get your hands on a must-read book for business leaders.

Organizations rely heavily on the culture they cultivate to achieve their mission and goals. With Chellie Phillips’ new book, Culture Secrets: Secrets Leaders Use to Build a V.A.L.U.E Culture, leaders now have actionable advice at their disposal to transform their companies into thriving and engaging places for employees.

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New Book Is Just Days Away

New Book Is Just Days Away

It is my great pleasure to share with you that I have written a new book called, Culture Secrets: Secrets Leaders Use to Build a V.A.L.U.E. Culture and we are getting ready to publish in just a matter of 2 weeks!

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Successful Culture Attributes

Successful Culture Attributes

A company’s culture is one of its most defining features. It affects everything from employee morale and retention to customer satisfaction and profitability. Let’s explore what attributes makes cultures successful in the workplace.

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Journaling your Way to Massive Success

Journaling your Way to Massive Success

Journaling can be a powerful weapon in your get-it-done arsenal, and it’s easy to do. You can and should put all kinds of things in a professional goal journal, not just your thoughts and feelings on a given day. It’s the best way to move toward massive success.

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Leaders must have vision

Leaders must have vision

For workplaces to attract and retain great employees, there needs to be leaders who have a vivid vision of the type of environment they want to create and how they can implement change that leads to a workplace where employees feel valued and the company thrives.

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How To Impress Your Boss in Just A Few Easy Steps

How To Impress Your Boss in Just A Few Easy Steps

It’s possible to capture the attention of any business leaders and supervisors responsible for making a difference to your job. Here are some quick and simple steps you can take to improve your chances of having the right impression on your boss.

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The Lies We Tell Ourselves

The Lies We Tell Ourselves

  The nine lies below are common lies we tell ourselves. Sometimes they are harmless, but often they hold us back from reaching our goals. Read through to the end, for some action steps you can implement today to help overcome these roadblocks.

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