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How To Impress Your Boss in Just A Few Easy Steps

How To Impress Your Boss in Just A Few Easy Steps

It’s possible to capture the attention of any business leaders and supervisors responsible for making a difference to your job. Here are some quick and simple steps you can take to improve your chances of having the right impression on your boss.

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The Lies We Tell Ourselves

The Lies We Tell Ourselves

  The nine lies below are common lies we tell ourselves. Sometimes they are harmless, but often they hold us back from reaching our goals. Read through to the end, for some action steps you can implement today to help overcome these roadblocks.

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5 Creative Ways to Calm a Chaotic Mind

5 Creative Ways to Calm a Chaotic Mind

A lot of people experience chaos in their own minds, and this can make things difficult when you’re trying to work toward your goals. The next time your mind is filled with confusion, try one of these five creative ways to alleviate the stress.

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The 3 W’s of Reaching Any Goal

The 3 W’s of Reaching Any Goal

There are three parts of achieving every goal that is always the same. Defining the 3 W’s of your goal will allow you to work toward it without losing sight of the big picture.

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Queen of People’s Hearts

Queen of People’s Hearts

From “shy Di” to the “queen of people’s hearts”, Princess Diana mastered the art of personal branding. In honor of the 25th anniversary of her death, let’s look at how she crafted her brand and championed causes.

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5 Ways to Develop Positive Thinking

5 Ways to Develop Positive Thinking

Our attitude is everything. With so many things outside of your control from the weather to politics it might seem impossible to ever truly feel good about anything.
The answer lies in your thinking. By being able to think positively, you will find your entire outlook changes. How do you develop the habit of positive thinking?

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Are You Committed to Excellence?

Are You Committed to Excellence?

Excellence is a skill we can work on. If you want to excel in life and work, you have to put forth the effort. And that starts with you taking ownership. Are you committed?

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14 Surefire Ways You Can Enhance Your Company’s Culture

14 Surefire Ways You Can Enhance Your Company’s Culture

Corporate culture plays a major role in job satisfaction and security. Fortunately, you can have a powerful impact on your workplace whether you’re a senior manager or a summer intern. Try these suggestions to create an environment where everyone can feel valued and appreciated.

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Fast-Track Your Career With Personal Branding

Fast-Track Your Career With Personal Branding

It’s important to take your personal brand seriously if you want others to take you seriously. Try out these tips for understanding the importance of personal branding, defining your own personal brand, and marketing your brand for greater career success.

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Working Successfully with a Boss who Micro-Manages

Working Successfully with a Boss who Micro-Manages

Most employees say they’ve been micro-managed at some point in their career, and studies show that workers perform worse when they feel like they’re being watched. Here’s some tips you can use to work successfully with a boss who micro-manages.

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Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Workspace

Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Workspace

Spring cleaning your workspace helps you be more efficient, productive, and less stressed. Plus, a clean office environment is more inviting to you, your clients, and anyone you work with and it can have a positive impact on your personal brand.

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Is Every Day Like Groundhog Day at YOUR office?

Is Every Day Like Groundhog Day at YOUR office?

When you create an engaged workforce, you’ll see higher retention rates (less hiring and turnover), greater communications, stronger teams, less absenteeism and more satisfied customers. Remember if you don’t develop your culture, it will develop itself. If you get it right, all the other pieces – passionate & dedicated employees, customer satisfaction, respected brand – will fall in place.

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Have You Set Your Cover Charge?

Have You Set Your Cover Charge?

A cover charge carries with it the expectation of quality – whether entertainment, service or food. So why not set an expectation for what the company you choose to work for should offer?

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