
Pertinent Info You Can Use

Right Now

Belief – your hidden weapon

Beliefs shape our directions. That hope will fuel you on the path to your dreams. Watch when the words “no”, “can’t” or “won’t” slip into your vocabulary. Yoda put it perfectly. “Believe you can or can’t; you’re right.”

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Be Authentically You

A lot of life’s drama is self-imposed. By avoiding it from the beginning, your first years in college can be the start of a lifetime of celebrating the things that make you uniquely you.

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Dealing with setbacks

Let’s face it. Sometimes life doesn’t go as we plan. How we deal with those setbacks either propels us forward or pulls us deeper into the abyss.

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She started talked and never shut up

You know that person. The one at the office you dread to see show up at your door. The one who can go on and on about their weekend, their problems, the guy in the cubicle next to them, and everything else that crosses their mind. How do they keep on talking without ever taking a breath?

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On your own? 3 pieces of advice…

The three most memorable pieces of advice I received when I was starting out on my own were: 1) clarity comes through experience, 2) map out your short and long-term plans, and 3) practice self-care.

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Your voice matters. Protect it!

You can find a lot of information about putting together a memorable speech or killer presentation, but there’s one part of the process you might not have thought about – your voice.

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If I knew then what I know now…..

For the last two years, I’ve asked over 200 sorority women the same question, “What do you wish you knew about college before you took your first class?”
Below you’ll find a list of their answers.

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When the words won't flow

Writing requires patience and practice. Don’t get frustrated when the words are slow to flow. Try out a few of these ideas and see if you aren’t soon filling page after page.

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When mom isn't there to fix it

You were the top of your class in high school. You got that scholarship you wanted. You’ve made straight A’s all your life. Then, something happens. You fail your first test in college. Your high school sweetheart dumps you for a new girl he met in college. You don’t get into the Greek organization of your choice. Now what? I’m surprised each semester at how poorly equipped young women are at dealing with failure (or disappointment). Learning to cope with disappointment is a skill that will come in handy all your life. There are no participation trophies given out in real life. You must learn how to deal with things and get past them to move ahead.

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Don't let burn out beat you

There will always be times where you feel overwhelmed or frustrated. Instead of letting those feelings drive you away from a career you enjoy, here’s some ways to re-ignite your passion for the job.

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Redefining success

We must be careful letting our successes define our value as a person. If a project goes bad or you get passed over for a promotion, these things shouldn’t cause your value as a person to tank.

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The doctor is in

I was surprised to learn how many young women had never been to the doctor on their own. When you move off to college, you need to take ownership of your healthcare.

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Feedback helps you grow

You’ve completed a project. You’ve tracked the results. In your mind, it’s a success. However, you haven’t really heard anything from your client or boss. So how do you know?

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How safe are you?

Everyone likes to think nothing bad is going to happen to them. And most of the time, you’re right. However, you can also do things that will guarantee you’re more likely get home safe each night. Protecting yourself needs to be your top priority. Over the years, I’ve...

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Can you hear me now?

Cell companies aren’t the only ones asking that question. Are people hearing what you say when it really matters? What about in difficult situations? Are you able to communicate even in an uncomfortable situation? Think about this scenario. In a meeting, you speak up...

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Go Live! Video feeds are the future.

Learning to create compelling video is a must. Some speculate that by 2020, 80 percent of internet content will be video. Right now, 50% of shared content is video. With over 2 billion people on Facebook, is your content drawing people in or sending them to your...

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Do you have basic survival skills?

So you’re headed to college and moving away from home. It’s exciting and a little nerve racking all at the same time. Do you have the basic skills in your arsenal to survive living on your own? Before you pack the first box, make sure you’ve got these essentials...

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Does your message hit the mark?

  If budget is your first question when it comes to advertising, you’ve already missed the mark. Before you even plan your budget, you need to focus on the message. Does the ad tell a story? If it just conveys information you’ve left off the biggest draw for an...

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Are you offended yet?

This is not one of my usual posts. There are no tips or tricks. These thoughts have been on my mind. After the ridiculous way the Trump/CNN/WWE tweet is being bantered around, I just can’t keep silent any more. As long as people have been communicating, it has stirred...

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Attitude determines outcome

One thing I’ve noticed throughout my life is that each of us have the power to affect the outcome of any given situation, even if it’s just in a small way. The emotion or feeling you put out, has a direct impact on how someone else will react to a situation or event....

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We read faces, not hearts

Do you think of yourself as a brand? You should. In today’s digital world, whether you like it or not, everything you post creates an image of you in someone’s mind. You may be the type that throws up your middle finger and says “I don’t care what anyone else thinks.”...

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Do you have a plan for when "it" hits the fan?

When it goes really wrong, do you have a plan? Anyone who has a business needs a crisis communications plan. That plan should be reviewed on a regular basis and updated with potential new threats. Your plan should address at least the top five things you could see...

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Don't overlook text and type in your design

I’m not a designer, but I’ve learned a few tricks over the years. The first thing you need to understand is there is a relationship between the content and the design. You need to learn to see patterns and needs in the content. Your reader, or audience, will respond...

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How to get their attention and keep it

Whether it’s your blog, direct mail, email or a brochure, you’ve got to make sure the benefits of your company or product are front and center. Don’t bury the information that customers need to make decisions. Few people read every word. Make sure your headlines, sub...

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What turns a good feature into a great feature?

What turns a good feature into a great feature? Feature stories are some of my favorite pieces to write. They allow you the ability to really tell a story, craft characters and really engage your readers. Good feature stories get the job done, but with a little more...

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Does your website need rehab?

Here are 6 ways to tell if your website needs rehab. Ask yourself these questions. Does it have a goal? Is it useful and readable? Why would someone come to the site? Most people don’t go to a site because they just feel like sitting in front of a computer and...

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Is an E-newsletter for you?

A lot of people look at an electronic newsletter as the PDF version of their standard print newsletter. I think it needs to be more than that. Digital time is valuable time. If you are going to ask your readers to invest the time to read what you are saying, don’t...

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Is it time to rethink your writing?

What is your job as a communicator? I’d say it’s to make the important information interesting enough to capture a reader’s attention. People respond to your stories on three basic levels: 1) intellectually, 2) emotionally or 3) visually. That’s where creativity comes...

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What every complaining customer wants

Even with the best of intentions, sometimes things go wrong. How you handle that incident will determine whether your customer will remain loyal or if they will look elsewhere for their future needs. If you screw up, fix it fast. Tell the truth and tell the customer...

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Are you customer minded?

How would you define your customer? When is the last time you thought about them? Do you now their beliefs and thoughts? What drives their actions? Do you think of them as invited guests? What happens within the walls of your business directly effects whether that...

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Winning web strategies

People are visiting websites less and less. They are getting their information from Facebook or other social channels. Yet most of us can’t just ditch the traditional website. So how can we keep it relevant and draw our customers in? Online users: Want ease of use Use...

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Still think there's no ROI on social media?

There are still people who think there is no return on investment (ROI) where social media is concerned. They are still convinced it’s just something the younger generation is using. It’s something you can let an intern focus on. Well I’m here to tell you, they are...

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Get control of your time

Someone much wiser than me said: Three things you cannot recover in life: the moment after it’s missed, the word after it’s said, and the time after it’s wasted. We’re all busy and have crazy schedules. We have people pulling us in all directions. We have family and...

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The Middle Matters

When you first start writing a story, either fiction or non, you’re excited about it. You’ve got all these thoughts and are ready to get it on paper. You’ve got a great idea of where you’re going to end up. But then something happens. You get to the middle of the...

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What's your mission?

I’m talking about mission statements today. I personally believe you can find value in writing a mission statement not only for your business but for yourself as well. So feel free to adapt the information here and put it to use in both areas of your life. What is a...

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Creating a standout bio

We use bios for so many things: introductions, blogs, websites and even when meeting people at conferences or networking events. Part of being a great story teller, is being able to tell the story of you in a way that sticks with whoever hears it. In order to do that,...

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Spring clean your writing

It's not only our closets in need of cleaning out now that Spring has arrived. It's also a great time to look at your writing. Spring is about getting rid of the excess and making room for more impact and meaning. Here are some tips to get you started: Prune your...

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Emotional Control at Work

Have you ever cried at work? Slammed a door? Felt your temper throbbing in anger? Most of us have allowed emotions to creep into the workplace either because a co-worker, a boss or even a customer managed to slip past our self-control. Emotions are what make us human....

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Using your phone to create great images

Blogs, websites and social posts all have one attention getting feature in common. Photos and images are what draw in readers and hopefully entice them to read the rest of your article or post. The great news is most of us have a great tool within our grasp all day...

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Let's Get Social

Utilizing social media isn’t an option these days. But taking a haphazard approach to it won’t get you the results you are aiming for. Here’s 6 tips to help you get the most out of your social content. Plan your calendar quarterly. Each quarter, think about what’s...

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It's about time

  Everyone wants more time. Yet each of us have a limited number of days, weeks, months, and years on the Earth. If you want an eye opening visual representation of just how much time we have, check this out ---  A 90 Year Human Life in Weeks....

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The Manager of Intangible Assets

If you are looking for a little inspiration, look no farther than ACE Hardware owner, Gina Schaefer. Her outlook and drive has convinced many people to take a chance on her and her unconventional ideas surrounding the hardware industry. She bills herself as the owner...

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Weapons of Mass Distraction

The average worker is distracted every 3-11 minutes. It takes 23 minutes to refocus after a distraction. This costs workers almost 6 hours of productivity a day and an estimated $1 trillion to the economy every year. Americans check their phones over 150 time per day....

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Don't Wait for a Crisis to Happen

Don't wait for a crisis to happen. Be prepared. You never know when a crisis will happen, but you can bet it will at some point in your career. There are two main types of crisis - operational and communication. Operational crisis include things that disrupt normal...

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Designing for a Digital Platform

The explosion of digital media has opened the door to more and more communications. It has leveled the playing field. Even small budgets can afford digital promotions. Using a digital platform to create actionable messages and engagement requires no less thought than...

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Creating Word Art

Writers are artist just like painters. We create a picture with our words much like the painter does with a stroke of the brush. When you choose to create ask yourself a couple of questions. Do you care about what you are writing? If you don't, why would a reader? Are...

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Finding Balance

Do you have those days where you'd like to stay under the covers and just not face the office? We all do. The key is finding that balance where those days are few and far between. The same goes for those people we manage. Are your employees giving their best self on...

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Measuring Success With Analytics

There are so many free tools available for communicators that provide them with specific measures of success. But you need to choose the right tool for you. Tools are available if you want to measure what your company cares about - like page content or responsiveness....

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