Successfully Ever After
In just 30 days, you’ll build a personal brand designed with career success in mind. From your digital profile, to your personal marketing materials, like resume and cover letters, Successfully Ever After sets you up to land a job you love now and in the future.
1. Course Introduction

1. Welcome to the Course
I'm looking forward to our time together. In order to get us off on the right path, I would like...

2. About Your Instructor
Hi! I'm Chellie and I've got a passion for helping people find career success. I've spent years...

3. Outline and Objectives
In just 30 days, you’ll learn: How to build on online profile designed to capture the attention of...
2. What’s In A Brand?

1. Let’s Talk Branding
First, let’s look at brands in general – Nike – what comes to mind? “Just Do it” – that’s not a...

2. Soul Search
It’s all about Soul Searching today. You started part of this by taking the assessments so now we...

3. What is a personal career brand?
Today we’re starting to take a close look at your personal brand. Just like Nike or Reese, we want...

4. Crafting a Vision
Today’s information includes an e-book you’ll use to determine what your brand currently looks...

5. Diving Into Your Personal Brand Audit
Yesterday, we talked about why it was important. Over 70% of hiring professionals admit to using...

6. Let’s Review!
Whether you're an Instagram influencer or a YouTube personality or not, you still have a digital...
3. Building Your Brand

1. All about LinkedIn
Your 2nd Workbook is attached to this lesson. Don't forget to download it. Now, we’ll start...

2. Your LinkedIn Headshot May Be Holding You Back
WHY YOUR LINKEDIN HEAD Shot May Be Holding You Back Recruiters, colleagues, and potential clients...

3. Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile To Support Your Career Goals
Almost 95% of recruiters use LinkedIn to search for candidates, but most job seekers are...

4. Say Cheese!
We’ve all heard the phrase, a picture is worth a thousand words. According to LinkedIn, having a...

5. Hidden Information
I’m sure you’ve been looking on job sites like Monster and Indeed to apply for jobs....

6. Job Responsibilities
We’re going to start using the job postings you are interested in to help strengthen your digital...

7. Crafting a Memorable Headline
It’s time to start creating. Today, you’ll tackle the first part of your LinkedIn Profile...

8. TAKE ACTION….Get Feedback on your headline
It's time for some feedback. I told you this program is like having a career coach working...

9. Build Your Summary
We’re still working on your LinkedIn Profile. Today is all about your summary. I’ll let you in on...

10. Take ACTION….Get feedback on your summary
Here's your chance for more feedback! Since the summary section of LinkedIn is so important, I...

11. Skills and Work History
We’ll finish out the basics of your LinkedIn Profile today. Pat yourself on the back. You’ve made...
4. Building Your Network

1. Half Way There Checkpoint
If you're working to build your brand in 30 days - congratulations, you're half way there now....

2. 500+ Connections
It’s time to start growing your network. Your goal today is to grow your network by...

3. Use Groups To Grow Your Network
Joining groups is a great way to grow your network and they can be key in your job search since...

4. Don’t Forget These People
You’ve been growing your contacts on LinkedIn, but I don’t want you to forget about...

5. TAKE ACTION…Use the template today
We’re continuing to look at your list of contacts today. But today is an action day. There’s a...

6. Keep Contacting
You’ve been focused on reaching out to people you know. Today, we’re taking it a step further. If...

7. How Much Time Should You Spend Looking For A Job?
Q. How Much Time Should You Spend Looking For A Job? A. It depends! It would be easy to say you...

8. TAKE ACTION….Use the template and get Endorsements and Recommendations
Keep beefing up your profile While you're spending time each week on your LinkedIn Profile,...
5. Cover Letters, Resumes and Roadmap to Success

1. Put It All Together
Now we will address your physical marketing pieces – your cover letter and resume. I've...

2. Do Resumes Still Matter?
In a world of digital forms and online submissions, you might be wondering, "Do resumes...

3. Describing Current and Previous Experience
Since you've built out your online profile, putting together your resume should be a breeze...

4. Creating Action One-Liners
In your workbook, you’ll find a list of power verbs. I like to say, “Start with action and end...

5. Education and Training
The education/training section of your resume and profile are often an area people tend to leave...

6. Which Format Should I Choose?
There are a multitude of resume formats out there online. But there are three traditionally...

7. Don’t Make These Mistakes
You should be well on your way to having a complete resume that highlights your skills and...

8. Crafting Your Cover Letter
The cover letter is your last marketing piece. Just like your resume, it needs to be...

9. 20 Minute Secret
Once you’ve submitted your resume, you need to: Log into LinkedIn and search for the company you...

10. Roadmap to Success
You made it! If you've been building your personal brand everyday, you've reached day 30!...
6. Preparing for Your Job Search

1. A Beginners Guide to Getting A Job When You Have Limited Experience
A Beginner’s Guide to Getting a Job When You Have Limited Experience Landing a job when you have...

2. Why Entry Level Jobs Require Experience

3. How to Compete And Stand Out

4. How to use Job Boards/Sites To Your Advantage

5. How to Decipher a Job Posting

6. Dealing With Rejection During Your Job Search
Dealing With Rejection During Your Job Search These days, you may encounter many rejections during...

7. How To use Social Media To Find Your Next Job
How to Use Social Media to Find Your Next Job Social media is all the rage. Twitter, Facebook,...
7. Communicating Your Brand During an Interview

1. Preparing for a Phone Interview

2.Get The Job: Essential Interview Tips
Get the Job: Essential Interview Tips Have you been successful at securing interviews, but can’t...

3. How to Explain a Layoff

4. How To Find Out What You Want In A Job Interview
Job Interview Finesse: Find Out What YOU Want to Know Job interviews provide an important...
8. Is the Corporate Culture a Match For Your Brand

1. Job Stress? You Can Deal With It
Job Stress? You Can Deal With It Unless you're independently wealthy, you probably have a job....

2. How to Improve Communication With Your Boss
Downloads Career Success PlannerHow to Improve Communication with Your Boss Good communication...

3. Career Enhancing Behavior At Work
A Quick Guide to Career-Enhancing Social Behavior at Work Do you socialize with others in your...

4. 7 Strategies to Embrace Change at Work
Learning to accept change at work is critical to being successful in your career. Dealing with...
9. You Got the Job, Now What?

1. Your First 90 Days
You know the saying, you never get another chance to make a first impression. What you do in your...

2. 8 Ways to Eliminate Distractions and Stay Focused
8 Ways to Eliminate Distractions and Stay Focused at Work The ability to concentrate and focus is...

3. Advance Your Career by Raising Your Visibility Outside the Office
As much as you may like your coworkers, advancing your career usually depends on your ability to...

4. 15 Career Milestones to Set and Celebrate
Don't get so focused on the next move that you forget to celebrate your accomplishments along the...

5. 8 Ways to Boost Your Career
8 Easy Ways to Boost Your Career You can make great strides in your career without spending long...

6. Creating Power Goals
Setting SMART Goals is a great way to boost your career brand. From working your supervisor to...

7. How To Ace Your Employee Performance Review
How to Ace Your Employee Performance Review Do you often feel nervous about your annual employee...
10. Bonus Resources

1. LinkedIn Checklist
Download pdf: LinkedIn Checklist Why does LinkedIn Matter? It's the largest, professional...

2. Public Speaking Checklist
Download pdf: Public Speaking Checklist It's said to affect up to 75% of the population. What's...